Hybrid Net (completed)

What kind of legal creature is the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)?  What is its legal basis and role in the management of the Internet domain addressing system known as the “DNS”?  This sub-project within the NRCCL's Igov2 project delves into contractual network theory, and draws upon theories of hybrid networks and network or “mesh” regulation.

About the project

The research seeks to shed light on the intricate regulatory framework of ICANN and the Domain Name System (DNS), with the aim of providing insight on the complexities of these network structures.  An extensive examination of the legal basis and structure of ICANN and the DNS will be made and the main agreements and instruments used will be identified and analysed.  These are also examined in the light of network theory, in particular contractual network theory, as well as the social systems theory’s notion of hybrids.

The research builds upon previous research work on dynamic networks carried out at the NRCCL, viz. Weitzenboeck’s A Legal Framework for Emerging Business Models: Dynamic Networks as Collaborative contracts (2012), Edward Elgar Publishing.

This is a sub-project of the Igov2 project at the NRCCL.


Funding for this sub-project is from the Igov2 project which, in turn, is funded by the Norwegian Research Council and Norid (the organization responsible for managing the .no namespace).

Published Feb. 1, 2013 3:27 PM - Last modified Apr. 5, 2016 1:34 PM


  • Emily Mary Weitzenboeck University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants