Anette Bringedal Houge

Image of Anette Bringedal Houge
Norwegian version of this page
Visiting address Kristian Augusts gate 17 Domus Juridica 8.etg 0164 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 6706 St. Olavs plass 0130 Oslo

Academic interests

  • Institutional responses to crime and victimization
  • Sexual, political, and collective violence
  • Torture and rehabilitation
  • Supranational criminology and international criminal justice
  • Legal strategies
  • Securitization and criminalization
  • Sociology of knowledge
  • The study of professions

Houge’s research centres in on issues to do with gendered, political and/or collective violence, and the promises, pitfalls, functions, and meanings of institutional responses to such harms at local, national, and international levels.

In the ongoing research project From medical facts to legal evidence she zooms in on how medical and forensic experts in Norway translate findings from sexual assaults for legal processing purposes. Forensic facts do not establish themselves as such, they are constructed and interpreted by forensic and medical experts, and then translated – from one field of expertise to another, to make sense in a legal setting. The project examines how different knowledge regimes in the criminal justice process are catered to when facts are communicated cross-disciplinary. From medical facts to legal evidence is part of UiO:Life Science Convergence environment Evidently rape.

Houge also works on projects addressing the legal processing of hate crime, the rehabilitation rights of torture victims, and research ethics in the context of sensitive research topics.


Houge holds a PhD in Criminology from the University of Oslo (2017). Thematically and empirically addressing conflict-related sex crimes, she focused on the legal, social and political narratives about complex problems that international criminal justice produces and contributes to, and the societal and political penetration of judicial ways of thinking.

After completing her PhD, Houge was the Head of Analysis at the Norwegian Red Cross before she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine, also at the University of Oslo.

Tags: violence, criminology, sociology of law, war crimes, juridification, international criminal justice, war and conflict, gender, criminal justice system


  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2023). Rettsliggjøringens problem: Argumenter for en annen samtale om voldtekt. Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning. ISSN 0809-6341. 47(2-3), p. 67–81. Full text in Research Archive
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Laugerud, Solveig (2023). “Unconscious or for Other Reasons Incapable of Resisting”: (Un)Protected Sexual Assault Under Norwegian Criminal Law. Violence against Women. ISSN 1077-8012. doi: 10.1177/10778012231181048. Full text in Research Archive
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2022). Medical certificate for older drivers – an analysis of the Norwegian parliamentary debate. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. ISSN 0029-2001. 142(6), p. 1–9. doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.21.0639. Full text in Research Archive
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2022). Violent Re-Presentations: Reflections on the ethics of re-presentation in violence research. Qualitative Research. ISSN 1468-7941. doi: 10.1177/14687941221079532. Full text in Research Archive
  • Lønning, Moa Nyamwathi & Houge, Anette Bringedal (2021). «Jeg kan ikke slåss på to fronter»: Engasjement og utholdenhet i rehabiliteringsarbeid med torturutsatte. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. ISSN 0809-2052. 24(4), p. 5–18. doi: 10.18261/issn.2464-3076-2021-04-01. Full text in Research Archive
  • Tønnessen-Krokan, Morten & Houge, Anette Bringedal (2021). Complex emergencies: overcoming barriers to health care . Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. ISSN 1403-4948. 49. doi: 10.1177/1403494821993693.
  • Lønning, Moa Nyamwathi; Houge, Anette Bringedal; Laupstad, Inga & Aasnes, Ann Evy (2021). “A random system”: The organisation and practice of torture rehabilitation services in Norway. Journal on Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and Prevention of Torture. ISSN 1018-8185. 30(3), p. 84–100. doi: 10.7146/torture.v30i3.119875. Full text in Research Archive
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2020). Imageries of Self: Guilty Plea Statements in Sexual Violence Cases at the ICTY. International Criminal Justice Review. ISSN 1057-5677. doi: 10.1177/1057567720982656. Full text in Research Archive
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2019). Explaining (Away) Individual Agency: A Criminological Take on Direct Perpetrator Re-Presentations at the ICTY. In Aksenova, Marina; Sliedregt, Elies van & Parmentier, Stephan (Ed.), Breaking the Cycle of Mass Atrocities: Criminological and Socio-Legal Approaches in International Criminal Law. Hart Publishing Ltd. ISSN 978-1-50991-944-4. p. 181–196. doi: 10.5040/
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2018). Narrative expressivism: A criminological approach to the expressive function of international criminal justice . Criminology & Criminal Justice. ISSN 1748-8958. 19(3), p. 277–293. doi: 10.1177/1748895818787009.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Skjelsbæk, Inger (2018). Securitising Sexual Violence: Transitions from War to Peace. In Fitz-Gibbon, Kate; Walklate, Sandra; McCulloch, J & Maher, JaneMaree (Ed.), Intimate Partner Violence, Risk and Security. Securing Women’s Lives in a Global World. Routledge. ISSN 978-1-13-870035-2.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Lohne, Kjersti (2017). End impunity! Reducing conflict-related sexual violence to a problem of law. Law & Society Review. ISSN 0023-9216. 51(4). doi: 10.1111/lasr.12294. Full text in Research Archive
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2016). "He Seems to Come Out as a Personally Cruel Person": Perpetrator Re-Presentations in Direct Murder Cases at the ICTY. In Walklate, Sandra & Fitz-Gibbon, Kate (Ed.), Homicide, Gender and Responsibility. An international perspective. Routledge. ISSN 9781138843479.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2016). Re-Presentations of Defendant Perpetrators in Sexual War Violence Cases Before International and Military Criminal Courts. British Journal of Criminology. ISSN 0007-0955. 56(3), p. 419–437. doi: 10.1093/bjc/azv065.

View all works in Cristin

  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2024). Voldtekt: Hvem forvrenger hva? Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2024). Voldtekt: Debatten må startes på nytt. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2024). (UN)PREDICTABLE OUTCOMES? The role of forensic expertise in rape cases .
  • Kanestrøm, Jorunn; Skilbrei, May-Len & Houge, Anette Bringedal (2024). Skal alle voldtekter anmeldes? Universitetsplassen [UiO podkast]. [Radio]. Universitetsplassen.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal; Lohne, Kjersti & Lingaas, Carola Diane (2023). Norges nye krigsforbryter. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2023). Translating knowledge from medicine to the court room.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Kruse, Anja Emilie (2023). Èn gang overgriper - alltid overgriper? Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2023). "Hva har du i bagasjen?" - Om tap, tortur og seksuell vold i krig.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Kruse, Anja Emilie (2023). Workshop: Etisk ubehag.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2023). Not that kind of guy - criminological reflections on criiminal justice and rape.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Bakke, Mathilde Aarvold (2023). Hvordan formidle forskning på vold uten å beskrive overgrepene? [Internet].
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Bakke, Mathilde Aarvold (2023). Forskere har ansvar for historiene de etterspør og gjenforteller. [Internet].
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2023). Forskningsetiske refleksjoner på re-presentasjon i felt og fag [fagseminar].
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Laugerud, Solveig (2023). En tilsynelatende liten endring i straffeloven kan få stor betydning i voldtektssaker. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Laugerud, Solveig (2022). Vurderinger av bevis og troverdighet i voldtektssaker.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Laugerud, Solveig (2022). Ute av stand til å motsette seg - noen funn fra Evidently rape.
  • Ugelvik, Thomas & Houge, Anette Bringedal (2022). Episode 16 Anette Bringedal Houge: Internasjonal strafferett, seksuell vold i krig, representasjonsetikk. [Radio]. Kriminologene.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Lønning, Moa Nyamwathi (2022). Identification and rehabilitation of torture injuries in Norway: Some findings.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2022). Juridifying, medicalizing and technologizing rape.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Laugerud, Solveig (2022). Vurderinger av bevis og troverdighet i voldtektssaker.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Laugerud, Solveig (2022). Ute av stand til å motsette seg. Foreløpige funn fra Evidently rape.
  • Bitsch, Anne & Houge, Anette Bringedal (2022). Hvordan forske etisk på kvinner som har blitt voldtatt i krig? [Internet]. Kilden Kjønnsforskning.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal; Ystehede, Per Jørgen & Hol, Maud (2022). Når vold skal gjøres til tekst.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2022). Conflict-related sexual violence, torture and trauma response in light of the warfare in Ukraine.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Laugerud, Solveig (2022). Unconscious or for other reasons incapable of resisting: Sexual harms that are (un)protected by the incapacity requirement in Norwegian criminal law [paper presentation] .
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Laugerud, Solveig (2022). A crime too ordinary: reflections on 'ordinary' sexual violence in the Norwegian context [panel].
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2022). A.B.Houge svarer 07.06.2022. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. ISSN 0029-2001.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2022). A.B. Houge svarer 08.04.2022. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. ISSN 0029-2001.
  • Sandvik, Kristin Bergtora; Houge, Anette Bringedal & Laugerud, Solveig (2022). When Terrorists Mobilize Law: Reflections on justice and closure after July 22. PRIO Blogs.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2022). Krigen i Ukraina omtales annerledes enn andre kriger. Hvorfor? ISSN 1891-635X.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2022). Violence and the ways we write it. International Law Grrls.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal; Lønning, Moa Nyamwathi & Engelsen, Thea Cecilie (2022). Hjelpeapparatet er ikke godt nok rustet for å ivareta torturutsatte. [Internet]. Institutt for helse og samfunn.
  • Engelsen, Thea Cecilie; Houge, Anette Bringedal & Lønning, Moa Nyamwathi (2022). Torturskadde møter et mangelfullt hjelpeapparat. [Internet].
  • Lønning, Moa Nyamwathi; Houge, Anette Bringedal & Simonsen, Michael (2021). Har undersøkt tilbudet til torturutsatte: – Organiseringen i Norge skiller seg ut. [Business/trade/industry journal]. Dagens medisin.
  • Sørøy, Andrea; Houge, Anette Bringedal & Lønning, Moa Nyamwathi (2021). Forskere vil styrke rammene for de som skal hjelpe torturutsatte. [Internet].
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2021). Contested Closures. PRIO Blogs.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2021). Rettsoppgjørets utilstrekkelighet [workshopbidrag].
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2021). Den utilstrekkelige jussen. VG : Verdens gang. ISSN 0805-5203.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal; Johannessen, Helen Maria; Laugerud, Solveig & Hennum, Ragnhild Helene (2021). Evidently Rape - Medisinsk, legal og allmenn forståelse av fysiske bevis i voldtektssaker. Bevis. ISSN 0803-3544. p. 29–32.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Lønning, Moa Nyamwathi (2021). A random system? How Norway (fails to) organize health services to rehabilitate torture survivors. International Law Grrls.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Lohne, Kjersti (2021). Når offeret blir forbryter. Klassekampen. ISSN 0805-3839.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2020). Imageries of self: Guilty plea statements in sexual violence cases at the ICTY. International Law Grrls.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2020). Rehabilitering av torturskader i Norge [Fagseminar: en invitasjon til allmennmedisin, UiO] .
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2020). The limits to adaptation – a dialogue between climate science and humanitarian practice [Panel participant at Climate:RED global climate summit].
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2020). Chair and commentator at "Climate Advocacy in the age of Covid-19" [Panel at ClimateRED: The Red Cross Red Crescent global climate summit].
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2020). Fremtidsscenario - C19 i Norge.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2020). C19 Temanotat: Nylig løslatte og rusproblematikk (27.04.2020).
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2020). C19 Temanotat: Soningsforhold (16.04.2020) .
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2020). C19 i Norge. 28.03.2020 [Skriftlig brief til organisasjonsledelse].
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2020). C19 i Norge. Nye risikovurderinger og tiltaksjusteringer. [Skriftlig brief til organisasjonsledelse] .
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2020). Ordstyrer og kommentator: Mellom stolene? Fagseminar om ny NOVA-rapport.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2020). The humanitarian consequences at the intersection of climate change and conflict [Public conversation at ClimateRED: The Red Cross Red Crescent global climate summit].
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2019). Chair and discussant: Climate change and humanitarian consequences.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2019). Fighting impunity as humanitarian tool?
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2019). The humanitarian consequences of climate change - introduction to panel on Anticipatory humanitarian aid and forecast-based financing.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2019). “How to tell a story that is too brutal to read?” Public conversation with Jenna Krajeski and Eva Bratholm.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2019). Internasjonale og lokale perspektiver på konflikt-relatert seksuell vold (key note).
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2018). Re-Presenting Mass Violence: Sensationalizing Harm or Reducing Suffering?
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2018). Rettferdighet er eneste veien til fred. [Newspaper]. Dagsavisen.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2018). Ekspert: Vil bidra til at overgripere blir stilt til ansvar for sine handlinger. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2018). Han har behandlet tusener av kvinner og barn. Fortsatt venter han på å bli hørt. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2018). Når krigen ikke slutter. [Newspaper]. Klassekampen.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2018). Hvordan bekjempe voldtekt som våpen? [Internet]. Bistandsaktuelt.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2018). Fredsprisen til Denis Mukwege og Nadia Murad. [TV]. TV2 Nyheter.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2018). The contributions of ICTY - prepared commentary for roundtable with Chief Prosecutor at the ICTY after Key note session.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2017). Opting out: Interrupted radicalization processes.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Skjelsbæk, Inger (2017). Sexual violence as rupture and continuum in societies transitioning from war to peace.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2017). Causes,perpetrators, and international criminal law.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Lohne, Kjersti (2016). Offer og overgriper i en og samme person. Stavanger Aftenblad. ISSN 0804-8991.
  • Lohne, Kjersti & Houge, Anette Bringedal (2016). End Impunity! Reducing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence to a Problem of Law.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2016). Imageries of self: Defendant perpetrators' re-presentation work in sexual war violence cases at the ICTY.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Lohne, Kjersti (2016). End impunity! The narrative construction of a panacea for sexual violence in conflict.
  • Lohne, Kjersti & Houge, Anette Bringedal (2016). The fight against impunity: The construction of a panacea for sexual violence in conflict?
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2016). Imageries of self.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2016). Defendant perpetrators and conflict-related sexual violence. IntLawGrrls Blog.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Lohne, Kjersti (2016). Full storm for internasjonal strafferett.
  • Lohne, Kjersti & Houge, Anette Bringedal (2016). Brought Up to Be a War Criminal. PRIO Blogs.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal & Lohne, Kjersti (2016). End impunity! A troublesome panacea for sexual war violence.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2016). Imageries of Defendant Perpetrators in sexual war violence cases.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2015). Atrocity crimes research from a Nordic criminological perspective. In Storgaard, Anette (Eds.), NSfKs 57. forskerseminar; Hvad er lov - hvad bør blive lov? Kriminalisering og regulering I de nordiske velfærdssamfund. Nordisk Samarbejdsråd for Kriminologi. ISSN 9788276880434. p. 79–91.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2015). Konflikt-relatert seksuell vold.
  • Lønning, Moa Nyamwathi; Aasnes, Ann Evy; Laupstad, Inga Tollefsen & Houge, Anette Bringedal (2020). Torturert og glemt? Identifisering og rehabilitering av torturutsatte i Norge. Røde Kors. ISSN 978-82-7250-204-0.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal; von Uexkull, Nina & Nicoson, Christie (2019). Overlapping vulnerabilities: The impacts of climate change on humanitarian needs. Røde Kors i Norge. ISSN 978-82-7250-201-9.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2018). Preventing Sexual Violence in War: Is Fighting Impunity the Only Game in Town? Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). ISSN 978-82-7288-927-1.
  • Houge, Anette Bringedal (2017). “Thugs” on Trial. Narrating Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in and for International Criminal Justice. . Universitetet i Oslo.

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Published Aug. 16, 2024 12:49 PM - Last modified Aug. 29, 2024 12:33 PM