Nettsider med emneord «human rights» - Side 3

Portrait of Gentian Zyberi in his office.
Publisert 6. juni 2023 11:35

Professor Gentian Zyberi of the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights has been appointed as a member of the Scientific Committee of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) for a non-renewable 5 year mandate, for the period June 2023 – June 2028.

Cover of the Issue
Publisert 21. juni 2023 10:36

Nordic Journal of Human Rights (2023) Volume 41, Issue 2

Cover of the Issue
Publisert 31. mai 2023 14:01

Nordic Journal of Human Rights (2023) Volume 41, Issue 1. Special issue "World Heritage and Human Rights"

Cover of the Issue
Publisert 21. juni 2023 10:36

Nordic Journal of Human Rights (2023) Volume 41, Issue 2

Publisert 25. okt. 2018 13:07

Last week NCHR co-hosted the side event "Progress on the Development of the Universal Protocol on Investigative Interviewing and Associated Safeguards" at the UN in New York. The event was moderated by Assistant Secretary General (ASG) for human rights, Andrew Gilmour, and brought together UN agencies, civil society and member state representatives.

Patrick Ball gesturing to a powerpoint slide presenting statistics on death rates in a conflict area.
Publisert 11. nov. 2021 11:16

The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights and the Rafto Foundation welcomes you to a lecture with Patrick Ball, looking at the role of data and statistics in truth commissions and tribunals. Ball is the Director of Research at the Human Rights Data Analysis Group, who won the Rafto Human Rights Prize 2021.

Image of UN building with numerous flags.
Publisert 15. feb. 2022 12:41

Please join us for a discussion on the impact of UN human rights treaties and mechanisms at the domestic level, organized jointly by the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (University of Oslo) and the Centre for Human Rights (University of Pretoria) as part of a project funded by Diku’s UTFORSK programme.

Painting by Lorenzetti Ambrogio titled "Allegory of Good Government".
Publisert 23. mars 2022 12:29

In this seminar, organized by GOODPOL, Jonathan Kuyper questions the effectiveness of communication and deliberation for solving asymmetric commons dilemmas.  

View over small lake in Lapland in autumn colours
Publisert 1. mars 2023 11:28

In this seminar, Johan Karlsson Schaffer will discuss indigenous legal mobilization in Finland, Norway, and Sweden.

A Palestinian boy looking at a armed israeli solider
Publisert 21. nov. 2023 11:14

In the wake of the 7 October events, where Hamas launched an attack on Israel, and Israel responded with massive bombardment and a ground invasion campaign on the Gaza strip, the discussions on the application of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights to the situation of Palestine have intensified. Terrible atrocities have been unfolding against civilians. What are the legal implications of the recent events?

Image may contain: Facial expression, Collage, Art, Photography.
Publisert 26. mai 2020 12:55

This weekend Dr. River Hustad from the NCHR International Department contributed to an international webinar about human rights protection of vulnerable groups during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Image may contain: Clothing, Computer, Personal computer, Laptop, Furniture.
Publisert 13. des. 2021 13:24

On November 20, 2021, the seminar "Business and Human Rights in the Chinese National Human Rights Action Plan" was held in Guangzhou. The seminar was co-organized by the Research Institute for Human Rights at Guangzhou University and Wuhan University in China.

Screenshot of Zoom call, featuring Bård Andreassen on top of a blue presentation page with the title "International seminar on Supply Chain Due Diligence Legislations: Trends and Challenges" in English and Chinese
Publisert 20. juni 2022 10:56

On June 15 2022, the Director of the NCHR Professor Bård A. Andreassen spoke about the Norwegian Corporate Transparency Act during an International seminar about Supply Chain Due Diligence Legislations: Trends and Challenges. 

A man with glasses talking in a lecture
Publisert 5. sep. 2023 15:09

Welcome to this guest lecture by Prof. Andrea Sangiovanni on the nature of human rights. This lecture is the first lecture in the NCHR guest lecture series 'Current Issues in Human Rights Research'.

Publisert 2. okt. 2014 10:48

This conference will address key aspects of the possible swing-back effect from judicial dialogues to the international legal order.

Photo of the three students from UiO's team.
Publisert 15. mai 2023 09:38

The 40th edition of the Jean-Pictet Competition took place between 24 February and 4 March 2023, in Durrës, Albania. The team from the University of Oslo reached the semi-finals for the second time.

Publisert 10. nov. 2017 09:34

Førstelektor Stian Øby Johansen ved Universitetet i Oslo innleder om internasjonale organisasjoners menneskerettsansvar.

Publisert 7. feb. 2022 09:57
Image of a court room and proceedings in South Africa.
Publisert 31. okt. 2023 16:34

The following reflections are written by NCHR Master student Miyo Tanaka, in connection with her internship at the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS) at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. NCHR Master students are encouraged to complete an internship as part of their studies.

This image shows a woman with short hair and a blue jacket, standing in front of a white background.
Publisert 14. feb. 2024 11:47

International institutions increasingly promote ‘ethical recruitment’ as a standard for health worker migration from poor to rich countries. How is this notion interpreted and practiced, and with what consequences? The Research Group on Global Challenges to Human Rights is pleased to invite you to this seminar with Dr Tine Hanrieder on the limits of the regime for ethical health worker migration.   

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Publisert 12. aug. 2019 16:39

This research project studied refugee protection in the Arab Middle East – a region where few countries have signed the Refugee Convention. The project applied both historical and socio-legal perspectives to investigate the characteristics of refugee protection in this region and to understand the practices of various actors at the local, national and global level.

Bildet kan inneholde: gest, talsperson, begivenhet, tale, offentlig tale.
Publisert 26. mars 2023 17:18

Høyesteretts flertall har nok en gang unnlatt å vise hvordan det generelle klarhetskravet skal anvendes i praksis

Innlegg Rett24 21. desember 2022

Publisert 12. mai 2011 11:03

This project addresses the exercise of authority by international institutions: its features, its causes and effects, and its implications.

Publisert 22. aug. 2014 14:52
Publisert 31. mars 2017 17:09

The project aims at establishing and developing joint educational activities and student mobility within European law, Human Rights and International Law between the Law faculties of the Universities of Oslo (Norway) and National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Ukraine).