Nettsider med emneord «UNHRM NCHR»

Publisert 18. jan. 2019 15:37

Sjette mai skal Norge for tredje gang høres i FNs menneskerettighetsråd om realiseringen av menneskerettighetene i Norge. NGOen UPR Info ber nå norske sivilsamfunnsorganisasjoner om bidrag til innledende runder før høringen. Disse rundene gjennomføres i Genève 2-5 april.

Publisert 1. feb. 2019 09:57

Two Vietnamese academics were invited by NCHR and the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights to attend an intensive training on Universal Periodic Review held in connection with the review of Vietnam before the UN Human Rights Council. 

Publisert 25. mars 2019 13:30

NCHR recently submitted a series of recommendations to the OHCHR on “Strengthening and enhancing the effective functioning of the human rights treaty body system”. 

Publisert 14. mai 2019 10:37

Twelve academics from China, Cuba, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia and Vietnam were invited by the NCHR and the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights to attend the co-organised, fifth training on the UN Human Rights Mechanisms in Geneva 6-10 May. 

Image may contain: Academic conference, Event, Convention, Government, Parliament.
Publisert 10. nov. 2020 13:08

9-13 November, academics from China, Iran, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia deepen their knowledge and expertise of the United Nations (UN) human rights mechanisms.