Nettsider med emneord «FORB»

Participants from different religious courts at the closing event
Publisert 26. aug. 2022 13:34

More than 100 participants gathered in Beirut, Lebanon, to discuss human rights standards in Lebanese personal status laws. The seminar were facilitated by the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, together with Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace (LFPCP), as a closing event of the six-months’ pilot project “Fostering Human Rights in Lebanese Religious Courts”. This is the first human rights related project working directly with the actors of the religious courts.

Publisert 5. des. 2019 15:45

Members of the Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief visiting Buddhist Universities in Myanmar to lecture and engage in dialogue on Buddhism and human rights.

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Publisert 29. mai 2019 15:13

The NCHR Oslo Coalition hosts panel at the seventh annual "Law and Religion in Africa Conference", organised by the African Consortium for Law and Religion Studies (ACLARS) in Botswana. 

Publisert 2. mars 2018 16:26

Over seksti personer møtte opp da SMR, STL og HL-senteret arrangerte fagseminar for å diskutere Kulturdepartementets forslag til ny felles lov for Den norske kirke og de andre tros- og livssynssamfunnene.

Image may contain: Purple, Temple, Happy, Street fashion, Plant.
Publisert 17. aug. 2017 11:28

The objective of the project is to spread knowledge of new ideas and strategies within Islamic reform thinking through the publication of books, academic articles and information.

Church viewed through a portal
Publisert 17. aug. 2017 11:28

The project promotes freedom of religion or belief in Orthodox Christian societies. Through internal Orthodox debate, it stimulates innovative reflections on the relation between Church and human rights. Several important fields of contemporary challenges have received limited theological and ecclesiastical attention. Encouraging dialogue in such fields, the project seeks to widen the scope of conversation.