Nettsider med emneord «international institutions»

Publisert 19. okt. 2016 12:51

Stian Øby Johansen's Phd project centers on three case studies of International Organizations wielding direct power over individuals.

Publisert 10. nov. 2011 11:20

For its third international Authority Beyond States workshop, the AUSTAT network invites papers on the interaction between authorities at different levels.

Publisert 12. mai 2011 11:03

This project addresses the exercise of authority by international institutions: its features, its causes and effects, and its implications.

Publisert 12. mars 2010 12:35

The project addresses constitutional and institutional issues in the political theory of human rights and asks questions like: How could we resolve the value conflict between human rights and democracy, and at what costs? And: Should and could international human rights institutions be reformed in order to achieve a more desirable institutional design?