Zoom for students and staff

Are you about to participate in a lecture through Zoom? We will prepare you for the experience.

Due to the closing of the University buildings, students need to continue their learning through services like Zoom. We will show you what to expect and how Zoom is used by teachers:

  • Basic features
  • Sharing screens
  • Break-out rooms
  • Tips and tricks for good learning

The seminar is interactive.

Enter seminar


Get started: How to install and sign in


Prof. Malcolm Langford will lead the seminar. A team from the Centre on Experiential Legal Learning (CELL) student team will be available in the tutorial to provide one-on-one assistance: Sophia Wulff, Martin Jonassen, Gidske Dekker-Olsen and Nicole Marie Versland.

Publisert 18. mars 2020 10:31 - Sist endret 19. mars 2020 07:25