Dress rehearsal for ICC and Telders

Attend the dress rehearsals for two of the UiO moot court teams. This is a great opportunity to learn more about oral procedure and gain valuable insight into the course JUS5042 – Moot Court.

Bildet kan inneholde: bord, møbler, stol, pulten, bygning.

Last years Telders team during their dress rehearsal. Foto: Tiril Guttormsen, UiO.

This spring, four teams will be representing the Faculty in different international moot competitions as part of the course JUS5042 - Moot Court. To prepare for the final international rounds, the teams will participate in dress rehearsals at the Faculty of Law. The rehearsals will be open for all students at our Faculty. 

The first half of the event will be the rehearsal of ICC and the second half will be the rehearsal of Telders. You can choose between attending just one of the sessions, or both. There will be a one-hour break between both sessions, during which there will be food and refreshments available.

Why should you attend?

Attending the dress rehearsals will allow you to learn more about a project offered by the Faculty to develop practical skills within the field of law. If you are thinking about participating in one of these competitions in the future, this will give you a better perception of what it entails.

About Telders 

The competition is a simulation of a fictional dispute in the field of public international law between countries before the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The final rounds take place in Leiden and The Hague (Netherlands). The two finalist teams plead for the final round in the Peace Palace, before a panel of judges normally comprising ICJ judges.

About ICC

The ICC Moot Court Competition is simulating the proceedings of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Competition consists of an extensive six-day educational and social program, which brings together students of diverse backgrounds and cultures to The Hague to challenge their skills as future international lawyers. The final round is expected to take place in an actual ICC courtroom with ICC judges adjudicating.


  • 12.15 pm – 12.20 pm Welcome and information about the project
  • 12.20 pm – 12.30 pm Introduction of the Telders team
  • 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm The Telders team will be on stage. 2 x 45 minutes
  • 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm Break: 
  • 3.00 pm – 3.15 pm Introduction of the ICC team
  • 3.15 pm – 4.45 pm The ICC team will be on stage. 2 x 45 minutes
  • 4.45 pm End of dress rehearsal
Publisert 22. feb. 2024 13:22 - Sist endret 13. mars 2024 11:45