CELL Education Fellow

CELL Education Fellows provides the opportunity for members to formalise their existing or future engagement in CELL pillars and/or work packages. Such a status provides recognition of the contribution of highly active CELL members and enables to be better integrated in the organisation, including access to information and relevant resources.

Bildet kan inneholde: person, ansikt, panne, hår, hode.

Top left: Stian Øby Johansen, Kristin Bergtora Sandvik, Synnøve Andersen, Vebjørn Wold, Jørgen Skjold.
Down left: Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde, Astri Rønningen Stautland, Runar Hilleren Lie, Emily Weitzenböck, Johann Ruben Leiss.

Bildet kan inneholde: briller, panne, ansikt, nese, hår.
From the left: Trude Myklebust,Herman Bruserud, Sebastian Schwemer og Silje Anderdal Bakken

CELL Education Fellows  

The aim of the Education Fellows is to:

  • Provide recognition of voluntary contributions to CELL
  • Expand CELL’s competence to fulfil its mandate
  • Enable better integration of collaborators within CELL

Areas of contribution by Education Fellows can include:

  • Pedagogical research and publication
  • Evaluation and mapping of practice
  • Pedagogical design and planning
  • Teaching in pilots, including mentoring.
  • Public communication
  • Development of new pedagogical technologies
  • Strategic advice

There is no fixed profile for a CELL Education Fellow but the potential quality of their contribution must be at a sufficiently high level that befits a centre of educational excellence. The awarding of the status is directed primarily at academic staff, whether in Norway or abroad, and regardless of discipline. It also directed at all types of academic positions, including professors, associate professors, lecturers, researchers, postdoctoral fellows and Ph.D fellows. It also includes administrative staff that can make a substantive contribution that meets the above criteria.

Application Process

The process of becoming a CELL Fellow is decentralised, given the focus on expanding CELL’s competence and integrating contributors.

Leaders of CELL projects can submit a name of a candidate to the CELL leadership team, through this web-based portal.

Rights and Responsibilities for Education Fellows 

CELL Education Fellows have the right to use the title “CELL Education Fellow” and be involved in the activities outline in the plan for engagement with CELL. They have the right to apply for necessary resources (such as teaching time, expenses) - whether made available through formal open calls by CELL or  allocated directly to the relevant pillar or WP. For the latter, a fellow must obtain the explicit consent of pillar/WP leaders.

CELL Education Fellows have the responsibility to ensure that they conduct their activities within the confines of CELL’s Governance Policy (“Styringsdokument”) and Centre Plan 2020-2024. Their communication activities must conform with CELL’s communication policy and plan.

CELL Education Fellows can communicate on behalf of a CELL pillar or WP when given that consent by the relevant pillar/WP leader.

Publisert 7. jan. 2021 19:17 - Sist endret 30. juni 2022 13:59