Site visit report HK-Dir 2022

In december 2021 was visited by the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-Dir). The visit resulted in a report with feedback to the centre about further development and priorities.

Bildet kan inneholde: væpne, spiller sport, mennesker i naturen, lykkelig, gest.


Excerpt from the report: 

CELL has, despite some very challenging times under Covid, made some convincing changes to the study program at the Faculty of Law. It has earned recognition both locally, at the University of Oslo, and nationally for its work and its expertise. It profits from the involvement of a large body of scholarly and enthusiastic academic staff, engaged student co-workers and PhD´s. Based on readings of available material, and conversations with several parties during the two-day digital site visit, I am utterly impressed. I am convinced that CELL has what it takes to achieve its goals and visions, which includes strategies to handle the challenges mentioned above, and others. I am also convinced that CELL is able to make necessary priorities in order to avoid exhaustion and possible disengagement.

Read the full report here (PDF).


Publisert 16. mai 2022 14:13 - Sist endret 6. okt. 2022 11:00