Webpages tagged with «NCHR»

Patrick Ball gesturing to a powerpoint slide presenting statistics on death rates in a conflict area.
Published Nov. 11, 2021 11:16 AM

The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights and the Rafto Foundation welcomes you to a lecture with Patrick Ball, looking at the role of data and statistics in truth commissions and tribunals. Ball is the Director of Research at the Human Rights Data Analysis Group, who won the Rafto Human Rights Prize 2021.

Three NCHR students in the Centre hallways, talking to each other.
Published Nov. 14, 2022 10:30 AM

What is the future of human rights? Join us for a seminar and panel discussion to celebrate the anniversaries of the Norwegian Centre of Human Rights (35 years) and the Nordic Journal of Human Rights (40 years)! 

Akinaga Yoshida
Published Nov. 14, 2022 2:26 PM

Welcome to this guest lecture by Akinaga Yoshida on how the Human Rights Committee can address human rights issues and ensure the effective implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in Japan. 

Illustration photo. Compilation of numerous small symbols representing different aspects of sustainable development.
Published May 20, 2022 2:23 PM

What are the intersections of human rights and sustainability, and how do the two agendas meet? This three-day conference aims to develop critical and reflective thinking on sustainability and its linkages to human rights.

Image of UN building with numerous flags.
Published Feb. 15, 2022 12:41 PM

Please join us for a discussion on the impact of UN human rights treaties and mechanisms at the domestic level, organized jointly by the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (University of Oslo) and the Centre for Human Rights (University of Pretoria) as part of a project funded by Diku’s UTFORSK programme.

Composite image of Ray Bull and Dave Walsh on top of a black/white background featuring a police car and the text "public lecture 31. May"
Published May 22, 2022 12:58 PM

What is the status of implementation of investigative interviewing internationally, and how can effectiveness be researched and assessed? Join us for a lecture with Ray Bull and Dave Walsh.

Published Dec. 6, 2022 5:55 PM

To commemorate the Oslo Peace Days, the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights is hosting a roundtable event to discuss the movement against modern slavery. 

Published Apr. 12, 2023 12:50 PM

PhD Candidate Elsabe Boshoff at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights is presenting her PhD project "A right to sustainable development: Recognition, nature and prospects of an emerging human right – global and African perspectives".

Illustration photo: book title against blue skies with clouds, cacti in the foreground
Published Feb. 27, 2023 11:50 AM

Welcome to this hybrid launch of Professor Tania Murray Li and Professor Pujo Semedi's new book "Plantation Life". The book examines the structure and governance of Indonesia's palm oil plantations.

Image may contain: Facial expression, Collage, Art, Photography.
Published May 26, 2020 12:55 PM

This weekend Dr. River Hustad from the NCHR International Department contributed to an international webinar about human rights protection of vulnerable groups during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Image may contain: Plant, Facial expression, Ecoregion, Nature, Natural environment.
Published May 10, 2021 11:33 AM

Over 300 people joined as the book, Dalam Perangkap Sistem Monokultur Industri Perkebunan Sawit by Sri Palupi, Prasetyohadi, Yulia Sri Sukapti og Aksel Tømte, was launched on 31 March (available in Indonesian).

Image may contain: Clothing, Computer, Personal computer, Laptop, Furniture.
Published Dec. 13, 2021 1:24 PM

On November 20, 2021, the seminar "Business and Human Rights in the Chinese National Human Rights Action Plan" was held in Guangzhou. The seminar was co-organized by the Research Institute for Human Rights at Guangzhou University and Wuhan University in China.

Image may contain: Product, Sunglasses, Font, Screenshot, Communication Device.
Published Feb. 15, 2021 9:45 PM

The 4th Regional Network Meeting on Human Rights Education was held virtually from November until December 2020, with a particular focus on access to remedies in the context of business, human rights and the environment.

Group photo of conference participants, both physical attendants and online participants on a screen
Published Dec. 17, 2021 1:33 PM

On 8.-12. November, a training workshop on the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Mechanisms took place in Geneva, Switzerland. Over the week, five participants from Thailand deepened their knowledge of the UN Human Rights Mechanisms, focusing on the Universal Periodic Review. 

Image may contain: Laptop, Font, Computer, Event, Table.
Published Oct. 28, 2022 3:47 PM

What is the possibility of  establishing a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) in Vietnam?  Recent NCHR guest researcher Dr. Nguyen Linh Giang led interesting discussions on the subject.

Image of UN building with numerous flags.
Published May 24, 2022 9:41 AM

The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) and our partner, the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (GA), will hold the eighth Training Workshop on UN Human Rights Mechanisms on 3.-7.- October 2022 in Geneva, Switzerland. This workshop is for participants from the MENA countries only and will include regional perspectives.

Image of UN building with numerous flags.
Published Dec. 16, 2022 2:24 PM

The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) and our partner, the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (GA), will hold the ninth Training Workshop on UN Human Rights Mechanisms on 27—31 March 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland. This workshop is for participants from the MENA countries only and will include regional perspectives.

Image may contain: Font, Screenshot, Suit, Multimedia, News.
Published Dec. 12, 2022 11:09 AM

The NCHR supported the 2nd annual China Forum on Business and Human Rights in November. This Forum contributes to the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) in China and provides a platform for communication and dialogue between the academic community and the industries that have corporate supply chain responsibility.  

Screenshot of Zoom call, featuring Bård Andreassen on top of a blue presentation page with the title "International seminar on Supply Chain Due Diligence Legislations: Trends and Challenges" in English and Chinese
Published June 20, 2022 10:56 AM

On June 15 2022, the Director of the NCHR Professor Bård A. Andreassen spoke about the Norwegian Corporate Transparency Act during an International seminar about Supply Chain Due Diligence Legislations: Trends and Challenges. 

Screenshot of a Zoom conference with nine persons represented
Published May 23, 2022 1:47 PM

NCHR and partners held a side-event on efficiency and fairness in criminal investigations under the 31st session for the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.

Panel debate
Published Dec. 13, 2022 2:23 PM

As part of the Oslo Peace Days 2022, the NCHR gathered some of the world's foremost experts on labor rights in Domus Bibliotheca, for a discussion on the ever relevant issue of forced labour and modern slavery in global supply chains.  

Group photo of the participating academics in front of UN building, dressed formally.
Published Aug. 15, 2022 10:36 AM

12 academics from China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam gathered in Geneva, Switzerland for the annual training on UN human rights mechanisms. The workshop, jointly organized by the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights and Geneva Academy, aims to strengthen civil society by equipping academics with in depth knowledge of how to utilize the UN human rights mechanisms in their home countries. 

Illustration photo of a slide from the course, giving an overview of the content
Published July 8, 2022 3:34 PM

Developed in partnership with the UNODC, NCHR announces availability of the new Global eLearning course on investigative interviewing.

Annual Intensive Course in Human Rights 4-8 September 2023. The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights. Application deadline: 3. April 2023. 4.-8. Oslo, Norway. Faculty of Law. Illustration photos of participants.
Published Feb. 10, 2023 11:00 AM

The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) is now welcoming applications to the annual intensive course. Deadline 3 April 2023.

Faculty of Law
Published Sep. 7, 2023 5:55 PM

Climate change, pollution and loss of biodiversity are serious threats to humanity. This conference focuses on how these issues affect the realization of human rights. 

Time and location: 26 - 27 October 2023 at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Law.