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Stian Øby Johansen received a teaching award for 2023

Every year, The Law Student Committee (JSU) awards "Undersvisningsprisen" to an accomplished educator at the faculty. The deserving recipient for 2023 was Associate Professor Stian Øby Johansen.

A collage of a portrait of a man and a diploma for Undervisningsprisen 2023.

Associate Professor Stian Øby Johansen received JSUs Undervisningspris for 2023. Photo: UiO.

"Undervisningsprisen", or "The Teaching Award", is an initiative driven by The Law Student committee (JSU) to honor teachers and course instructors who excel in teaching academic material in an engaging and easily understandable way.

– I would like to say a few words to you, Stian, about why you are receiving this award, said JSU leader Danielle Draumås.

– You do important work, and one thing that we as students want to highlight is that you are a clear and good communicator. You are able to explain difficult things in simple ways. You use different methods to convey the message you are teaching, and you dare to think innovatively. We greatly appreciate that.

Draumås specifically highlighted Johansen's thorough lectures and the resources he makes available to students on Canvas. Draumås emphasized that this gives the students the feeling that Johansen cares about them.

– On behalf of the students, I want to say that we appreciate you and thank you for your dedication. It is infectious! added Draumås.

On behalf of the award recipient, who was attending an institute seminar in Copenhagen at the time of the ceremony, Dean Ragnhild Hennum received the diploma and flowers from JSU. Stian Øby Johansen smiled widely on camera as he thanked JSU for the award and apologized for not being able to be there in person:

– JSU's Undervisningspris is highly esteemed. Although my primary motivation is that I enjoy teaching and helping people understand, the award has been an additional motivation - I have to admit that, Johansen said with a smile.

People in an auditorium communicating with a man digitally on a projector.
Dean Ragnhild Hennum and Danielle Draumås, leader of JSU, display the diploma over Zoom to award recipient Stian Øby Johansen. Photo: Silje Naranjo/UiO.

Experiencing great support and freedom to think innovatively

Johansen thanked the students who had nominated and voted for him, and for their openness to new ideas and their courage in actively participating in course instruction.

At the same time, he took the opportunity to acknowledge his own role models in teaching:

– I would not be the teacher I am without learning from others. We stand on the shoulders of others, not only in research, but definitely also in teaching.

One teacher who made a particularly strong impression on Johansen when he was a student was Professor Ola Mestad, whom Johansen explained was the course instructor he modeled his teaching on.

Johansen further thanked colleagues and faculty leadership for their trust and positive attitude towards his teaching methods. He also praised the faculty administration for being a good support system in teaching, providing quick and precise answers.

– I have never experienced any resistance to trying out something different or doing things in a slightly different way, and I think that's great. It makes it safe to try out new things, said Johansen.

Finally, Johansen gave a personal thanks to his family, particularly his wife, who behind the scenes can ask simple and critical questions about his teaching, which Johansen explained can be the first seed of change.

Unveiling of the teaching award wall

A woman is removing a black cloth from a large picture frame hanging on the wall.
Leader of JSU, Danielle Draumås, during the unveiling of the new adornment in Domus Juridica. Photo: Silje Naranjo/UiO.

The award ceremony was also an occasion to look back at previous winners of Undervisningsprisen.

– There have been many skilled educators at the faculty over the years, and a selection of them have received JSU's Undervisningspris, Draumås said.

After the award ceremony, the new plaque wall was unveiled, a tribute to all recipients of JSU's Undervisningspris throughout the history of the faculty:

– It is great that the faculty wants to highlight the great efforts made by many different educators. Thank you to the faculty administration for the collaboration on this event and this plaque wall. We hope that this wall will bring joy to the winners and serve as inspiration for other educators, which I believe will benefit all students at the faculty, concluded Draumås before she pulled off the curtain.

Photo of a picture frame with glass panels displaying the names of the winners of JSUs Undervisningspris.
On the second floor of Domus Juridica, you can see JSU's "Undervisningsprisvegg". Photo: Silje Naranjo/UiO.
By Tiril Guttormsen and Silje Naranjo
Published June 18, 2024 12:30 PM - Last modified June 26, 2024 9:55 AM