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Candidates for the Faculty Board Election: Students

Three candidates are running for the position as the student representative in the Faculty Board.

Silje Duus (20)

Portrait of a young woman.
Candidate Silje Duus. Photo: Private.

Law Student in the Master's Degree program. Beginning second semester of the first year in the fall of 2023. 

Why am I running for election?

The Faculty Board's primary task is to ensure an optimal study offering for us students. This ongoing responsibility relies heavily on having a strong advocate who stands up for the desires of the students and isn't afraid to pinpoint areas where improvement is needed. With several years of experience as a high school student council leader and other board positions, I have a strong desire to be the voice that represents the entire student body here at the faculty.

In recent years, student democracy has taken on a particularly important role. Closed study rooms, new exam formats, and digital teaching have truly highlighted the significance of students having a platform to voice their opinions in order to shape the educational offerings. Now that we have moved past the period of COVID-19 measures, it is especially crucial for us students to continue expressing our thoughts and opinions to enhance the study experience.

In this semester, the faculty has decided to tighten the accommodations for students who are unable to physically attend classes. These students, for various reasons (ranging from elite sports to illness), are unable to be present on campus and, consequently, do not receive the attention they deserve as fellow students. As the students' representative in the Faculty Board, I aspire to be the voice that represents all students and ensures the entire student body is taken care of - regardless of whether it is about the teaching, the temperature in study rooms, or opinions concerning comments in Lovdata. 

If you choose me, I will make sure to facilitate the transmission of students' opinions and views. The topics I bring forth are up to you. The important aspect is that students are heard and receive the best study offering.

Proposed by Silje Duus.

Gunnar Stokke Kjeldsen (21)

Portrait of a young man.
Candidate Gunnar Stokke Kjeldsen. Photo: Private.

Law Student in the Master's Degree program, currently taking JUS2111 this semester.

First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude for having had the honor of representing the students of the faculty in the Faculty Board over the past year. It has been an eventful year with significant developments at the faculty. However, what is most relevant to the students is probably the involuntary rearrangement of Domus Juridica and the promising prospect of adjusting the temperature at DJ.

After a year in the Faculty Board and soon approaching one and a half years in law school, I have formed the following impressions of our faculty: Most things are still functioning well. We have consistently competent and knowledgeable instructors who possess excellent teaching skills. We have a relatively new, and for the most part, well-functioning study building in Domus Juridica. We have a faculty administration that seems largely receptive to the opinions and desires of the students. Overall, we are doing pretty well.

Why am I running for election?

However, there is always room for improvement. Ventilation issues and temperature in the buildings remain a pervasive challenge for many, which, hopefully, will be addressed in the near future. Additionally, the faculty—like the rest of the country—faces uncertain economic developments. We are currently in the midst of budget negotiations in Stortinget, which may entail cuts to the education sector. Take, for example, the Plain language agreement (Norwegian: klarspråkavtalen) that was terminated by the state a few weeks ago. As a member of the Faculty Board, I aspire to engage in such matters to ensure that the students' interests are safeguarded to the greatest extent possible. Of course, I will work towards improvements wherever feasible, but the most important aspect is to minimize the impact of any potential cuts on the students.

Despite not having a particularly long tenure in my studies thus far, over the past year, I have become well acquainted with how the faculty and the Faculty Board operate. I am also familiar with the challenges faced by students in the earliest years of their studies. I will remain open to input from all students whenever relevant—it is, after all, the students' opinions and needs that should be prioritized! If given the opportunity to continue as the students' representative on the Faculty Board for another year, my goal will remain to advocate for the interests of all students and serve them to the best of my abilities.

Proposed by Gunnar Stokke Kjeldsen.

Jamila Mendoza (34)

Black and white portrait of a young woman.
Candidate Jamila Mendoza. Photo: Private.

Master’s in information and communication Technology Law.

Why am I running for election?

I am passionate about assembling a group of dedicated students who are committed to representing our peers. My vision is to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students. Through collaboration and engagement, I will work consistently to provide meaningful events, supportive services, and a platform for the voices and ideas of students.

I believe in listening to the needs and desires of students and commit to representing those viewpoints in a meaningful way. My goal is to promote academic success, well-being, and equal opportunities for all. I will organize events, workshops, and initiatives that inspire personal growth and professional development.

Through our open-door policy, I want to encourage dialogue, listen to feedback, and collaborate with students, faculty, and administration to effect positive change. We believe in inclusion, diversity, and a voice for every student.

Proposed by Jamila Mendoza.

Published Nov. 20, 2023 4:02 PM - Last modified Nov. 20, 2023 4:06 PM