Persons tagged with «Contract law»

Name Phone E-mail Tags
Picture of Ivar Alvik Alvik, Ivar Professor +47-22859437 Administrative law, International investment law, Arbitration, International Law, Petroleum Law, Contract law
Picture of Lene Sommerfelt Andenæs Andenæs, Lene Sommerfelt Doctoral Research Fellow +47 90214397 Contract Law, privacy, Financial Services Regulation Law, European Law, intellectual property
Picture of Sverre Blandhol Blandhol, Sverre Professor +47 22850215 +47 900 37 326 Negotiation, Dispute Resolution, Environmental Law, Administrative Law, Contract Law, ethics
Picture of Margrethe Buskerud Christoffersen Christoffersen, Margrethe Buskerud Professor and Head of Department +47-22859735 +47-91864768 Contract Law, Company Law, Prosessrett
Picture of Astrid Iversen Iversen, Astrid Associate Professor Economic Law, Norwegian Central Bank, International Economic Law, Financial Market Regulation, Contract Law
Picture of Knut Kaasen Kaasen, Knut Petroleum Law, Property and Bankruptcy law, Energy, Contract Law
Picture of Anne-Beth Meidell Lyche Lyche, Anne-Beth Meidell Doctoral Research Fellow +47 22859326 +47 920 820 18 labour law, Tort Law, Contract Law, Civil procedure
Picture of Johannes Hygen Meyer Meyer, Johannes Hygen Associate Professor +47 48119922 Tort Law, Contract Law, European Law, intellectual property, legal theory
Picture of Anders Bernhard Mikelsen Mikelsen, Anders Bernhard Professor +47 46401466 Tax law, Contract Law
Picture of Jonas  Rosengren Rosengren, Jonas External PhD Research Fellow +46733 774 170 Sjørett, Arbitration, Contract law, Maritime Law, Marine Insurance, International Arbitration
Picture of Julius Rumpf Rumpf, Julius Doctoral Research Fellow +47 22859639 +47-46221706 Energy Law, EU law, Internal energy market, Network codes, Contract law, Renewable energy, Competition law
Picture of Sverre Magnus Bergslid Salvesen Salvesen, Sverre Magnus Bergslid Associate Professor Property Law, Contract Law, bankruptcy, Methodology
Picture of Knut Sande Sande, Knut Doctoral Research Fellow +47 22859550 +47 47905075 Tort Law, Contract Law
Picture of Trond Solvang Solvang, Trond Professor +47 22859672 +47 94261969 Contract Law, Tort Law, Maritime Law, Legal method, Sports Law