The Role of Human Rights Defenders in the search for peace in Colombia - a seminar with Marino Cordoba Berrio

A seminar with the Human Rights and Sustainable Development Research group welcoming Marino Cordoba Berrio.

In the many forms of global 'push back' on human rights characterising the contemporary era, it is arguably manifested most acutely in the dangerous risks and often lethal constraints placed upon the work of front line human rights defenders.

These threats are particularly virulent in the context of developments in Colombia where, since its peace deal in 2016, over 400 ethnic and social leaders have been killed.

Marino Cordoba Berrio is a prominent community leader fighting for the rights of the Afro–Colombians, as well as other marginalised groups.  He is from the Riosucio region in north-western Colombia, a jungle region with high biodiversity. Much of the area has long been under the control of paramilitary groups who are linked to powerful economic interests. The land rights of local communities have often been violated, notably for logging and mining.

Marino Cordoba Berrio will address some of the key challenges for front line defenders in particular and possible strategies to counter these adverse trends. He is founder of AFRODES -the National Association for displaced Afro-Colombians, and he is finalist for the prestigious 2019 Martin Ennals front line defenders award.

For further information, contact: Peris S. Jones


Published Feb. 21, 2019 1:04 PM - Last modified Feb. 21, 2019 1:04 PM