Talk with Inna Boyko: Judicial Lawmaking as a Function of International Courts

20 October, the research group on international law is hosting a talk with Inna Boyko, Associate Professor in Public Policy at the Maritime Law Department of the National University, 'Odessa Maritime Academy'.

Illustration photo of a gold and brown justice hammer placed in front of a book.

Illustration photo:

At this talk, Inna Boyko, Candidate of Science in Public Policy and Associate Professor at the Maritime Law Department of the National University 'Odessa Maritime Academy' will present her findings on the topic 'Judicial lawmaking as a function of international courts'. 

After analyzing numerous decisions of international courts, Boyko concluded that certain decisions contain legal positions that must be characterized as legal norms. Through her research, she found that international courts are not only law applicators, but also active creators of law. She maintains that this law-making of international courts is an important addition in the process of formation and development of international law and that this necessitates amending the Article 38 of the ICJ Statute with a provision that precedent that decisions of international courts are binding on all participants in international relations.

For information about the possibility to attend the meeting through zoom, please contact Administrative Contact Person Tensaye Alemu.

Published Sep. 28, 2022 10:24 AM - Last modified Aug. 25, 2023 2:20 PM