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Seminar with Gentian Zyberi on the UN Human Rights Comittee

The Research Group on International Law at UiO invites - in collaboration with The Norwegian International Law Association - to a seminar with professor and recently retired member of the UN Human Rights Committee, Gentian Zyberi.

Black and white portrait photo of Gentian Zyberi

Gentian Zyberi. Illustration photo: UiO

The topic of the seminar is the UN Human Rights Committee, where Gentian will give us an inside perspective on this important institution and its working methods. In this connection, he will comment on some important appeals from his period in the committee - among other things about climate change, fair trial and equality. We will also gain insight into the process of drafting the Committee's General Comment No. 37 on the right of peaceful assembly. Furthermore, he will discuss how far the committee can go in indicating which legal remedies the state must offer in cases where the committee determines that complainants have been exposed to a human rights violation.

The introduction and the seminar will mainly be in English, but it will also be possible to ask questions or make comments in Norwegian.

The seminar will be held on Tuesday 31 January from 12:00 to 13:30 in  Domus Juridica, Kristian Augusts gate 17, room 7227 (in the building's seventh floor). Those who wish to participate digitally from their own PC can click on this Zoom link at the starting time of the meeting.


Published Jan. 26, 2023 3:31 PM - Last modified Aug. 25, 2023 2:20 PM