Anti-corruption sanctions in the aftermath of the Russian aggression against Ukraine

Wednesday 5 June 2024, Postdoctoral fellow Nedim Hogic will present on the topic “Anti-corruption sanctions in the aftermath of the Russian aggression against Ukraine”. 

The lunch seminar is part of the IntNatLaw seminar series on sanctions.


The last decade saw different sanctions regimes emerging and becoming central to international affairs and law. Their increasingly unilateral nature and extraterritorial reach make them an important question for national legal orders. In response to the aggression against Ukraine, the Western allies adopted numerous sanctions not only against the Russian state-owned assets but also against the individuals. Oligarchs, politically exposed persons, and enablers of the Kremlin's power have found themselves and their property under sanctions. This seminar will deal with these sanctions' legal and foreign policy aspects and controversies. It will examine the interaction between the sanctions adopted under the current Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) framework of the EU, and the national law of EU member states, as well as their extraterritorial effects of these sanctions and those adopted under the US mechanisms, such as the Global Magnitsky Act. 


Nedim Hogic is a Research Fellow with the University of Oslo's Faculty of Law. His academic interests include corruption, the rule of law, EU law, international law, negotiation, peacebuilding, and Western Balkans politics.

His upcoming book focuses on judicial anti-corruption campaigns in Italy, Brazil, and Romania, examining the relationship between security and corruption as a national security threat. Hogic experience includes co-designing amendments to the Bosnian Constitution, monitoring and analyzing party funding and parliamentary governance processes in North Macedonia and Montenegro. Additionally, he has served as a reviewer for Freedom House.

Hogic was an Emile Noel Fellow at NYU School of Law’s Jean Monnet Centre. He holds a Ph.D. from Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, an LLM from Harvard Law School, and an LLB from the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Published May 15, 2024 2:25 PM - Last modified May 15, 2024 2:25 PM