Universal jurisdiction in Norwegian Court

Associate Professor Stian Øby Johansen will present a case and focus on the international law aspects, as well as methodological lessons and challenges which arise when Norwegian law meets the international law

Zoom Meeting ID: 827 003 718

Link to media presentation of the case (E24.no) in Norwegian.

Just before the last day of 2019 a 36 year old man was acquitted by the Borgarting Court of Appeal from accusations in participation in the terrorist group ISIS. He was at the same time sentenced for the participation in a terrorist alliance. The grounds for acquittal were that the international law does not allow universal jurisdiction for such crimes (i.e. jurisdiction over foreigners’ acts abroad), but that the UN Security Council Resolution nr. 1373 could provide for jurisdiction. The Court of Appeal interpreted the Resolution only to provide for a legal basis for the universal jurisdiction for specific terror alliances concluded by a foreigner abroad, and not for the foreigner’s general participation in a terrorist group abroad.


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Published Apr. 3, 2020 10:39 AM - Last modified Dec. 17, 2020 12:20 PM