Jingfu Ran

Jingfu Ran


Personal Information
First: Jingfu Last Name: Ran
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: February 14, 1972
Birth Place: Guizhou Province of China
Degree: Ph. D. in Law
Major: Legal Theory
Position/Academic Title: Associate Professor of Law
Employer: Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
Telephone: 86-10-62019308
Mobile telephone: 86-13911121927
Telefax: 86-10-62005038
E-mail: ranjingfu@263.net
Address: Institute of Law (of CASS), Shatan Beijie 15, Beijing 100720, China

Education Experience

  • 2001-2004, Law School, Renmin University of China, Ph.D. in law.
  • 1995-1998, Law School, Renmin University of China, Master in law.
  • 1991-1995, Department of Sociology, Renmin University of China, Bachelor in sociology.

Work Experience

  • 2004- Present, Associate Professor of Law, Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • 2006- Present, Volunteer of Dongfang Public Interest and Legal Aid Law Firm
  • 1998-2001, Lecturer in the courses of Jurisprudence, Jurisprudence of Legislation, and Criminal Procedure,.Law School of Shantou University
  • 1999-2001, Practice Lawyer. Guoyuan-lingdong Law Firm

Research Achievements on Human Rights

  • Peasants, Peasant Workers and Rights Protection—Speculation on Law & Equality, in Academic Forum Of Nan Du, Volume 86(No. 2, 2004).
  • Researches on the Changes of Civil Litigation Rate in China 1978-2002: by the Approach of Comparative Sociology of Law, Beijing: Renmin University of China Publishing House, 2005.
  • Perspective on Situation of Lawyers’ Social Status, in Study Times, May 7, 2007.
  • Regional Imbalance of the Numbers of Lawyers: A Description and Explanation, in Archives for Legal Philosophy and Sociology of Law, Beijing: Peking University Press, No. 1, 2007.
  • On the Weighing of Interests in the Institution of Refusal to Bear Witness in Criminal Procedure, in Shantou University Journal, No. 4, 2001.
  • Reflection on the Independence of Lawyer Profession, a paper read at the seminar on Professional Ethic and Code of Conduct for Lawyers, held in Beijing, March 10, 2006.


Published June 2, 2010 10:56 AM - Last modified June 2, 2010 11:14 AM