Human Rights Protection in Transnational Criminal Cooperation: Unkept Promises or Pie in the Sky?

Guest lecture by Robert J. Currie, Director of the Law & Technology Institute at Dalhousie University (Canada).

About Robert Currie

Professor Currie is a specialist in the area of international and transnational criminal law, and he teaches a seminar course in this subject.

His 2010 book, International and Transnational Criminal Law, was shortlisted for the Walter Owen Book Prize for Outstanding Legal Literature in 2011. He has authored and co-authored numerous articles and comments in this field (including a blog), and his work has been cited by Canadian courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada.

Professor Currie has been a member of the Dalhousie Law Faculty since 2002, and was made a faculty associate of the Law & Technology Institute in 2007. Currie took over as Director of the Law and Technology Institute as of 1 July 2011.

He teaches Law & Technology, Evidence and International Criminal Law, and also coaches competitive mooting. 



Published Aug. 3, 2012 11:05 AM - Last modified Sep. 23, 2012 6:48 PM