Author meeting, 25 – 26 October 2010

Book Project: The European Court of Human Rights in a Globalized World: Institutional Competition v. Effective Control of Human Rights Authors meeting


Monday 25th October

13:00 Joint pre-conference Lunch, Theatercafeen, Stortingsgaten 24, Oslo

15:00 Introduction: Ensuring the future of effective human rights adjudication in Europe
(Geir Ulfstein, Andreas Føllesdal and Birgit Schlütter)

15:45 The margin of appreciation (Yutaka Arai)

16:30 Coffeebreak

16:45 Remedies (Philip Leach)

17:30 Dynamic interpretation (George Letsas)

18:15 The reception and implementation of the ECHR by national courts (Mads Andenæs)

19:00 Joint promenade to the Lofoten Fish Restaurant

19:30 Dinner at Lofoten Fish Restaurant, Stranden 75, 0250 Oslo [Aker Brygge]

Tuesday 26th October

08:45 Coffee, tea and fruit

09:00 The Court as part of the Council of Europe: The Parliamentary Assembly and the Committee of Ministers (Elisabeth Lambert-Abdelgawad)

09:45 Attribution of responsibility/ The substantive law aspects (Christian Tomuschat)

10:30 Coffeebreak

10:45 Conclusions, general discussion and further proceedings: How to go from here? (Geir Ulfstein, Andreas Føllesdal and Birgit Schlütter)

12:15 Lunch at Scandic Edderkoppen, St. Olavs Plass 1, 0165 Oslo



Draft Chapters (password protected):

Published Dec. 8, 2010 10:49 AM - Last modified Nov. 4, 2011 3:11 PM