Guest lecture - Right to Repair from an IP Law Perspective

Welcome to this afternoon guest lecture with Professor Yuko Kimijima, Keio University, Tokyo.

The seminar is open for all interested. 

text, black, coffee, pen, plant

Short abstract

The European Parliament and the U.S. Biden Administration have declared that existing legal systems should be actively utilized or new legislation should be considered to regulate the act of product manufacturers preventing non-authorized vendors and consumers from repairing products. For an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), obtaining and asserting IP rights is one of the ways to prevent repair by recycling or replacing parts by anyone other than the OEM and its authorized repairers.

In this seminar, Professor Yuko Kimijima would like to introduce what kind of IP law issues arise when an independent repairer/owner wants to repair the owner’s product. Then she will introduce current laws and cases mainly in Europe, and discuss issues including patent exhaustion, repair/reconstruction, and “repair clause” of the Community Design Regulation.


There will be brief comments from Postdoctor Eléonore Maitre-Ekern, UiO.

About the guest lecturer

Yuko Kimijima, Ph.d., is Professor of Intellectual Property Law at the Faculty of Law and Graduate School of Law Keio University, in Tokyo, Japan.


Published Aug. 16, 2022 10:39 AM - Last modified Aug. 16, 2022 1:18 PM