Artificial Intelligence: Its impact, and how and why it should be regulated

Welcome to this lunch seminar with Daniel Gervais, Vanderbuilt Law School.

The seminar is open for all interested. 

text, black, coffee, pen, plant

In this talk, we will see major cognitive changes caused by the increasing reliance on AI, the main predictable impacts, and how law should respond, with a particular focus on IP law.

About the speaker

Gervais is Adjunct Research Professor with the Research Group Market, Innovation and Competition, Department of Private Law, University of Oslo, in addtion to his work at Vanderbilt School of Law. His main fields of research are International Intellectual Property and Trade Law.  Read his bio at Vanderbuilt Law School.


Comments from Professor Olav Torvund, Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law, Department of Private Law, University of Oslo. More about Professor Torvund.


Published June 6, 2023 1:26 PM - Last modified June 7, 2023 11:26 AM