The Precautionary Principle: A Legal Fake or a Genuine General Principle of Law

There will be a guest lecture followed by a discussion. 

This lecture is open to all.

About the lecture

The legal status of the precautionary principle has been sparking controversies ever since its adoption as an environmental law principle. The mandatory nature of the principle is particularly disputed as many consider that it does not provide ready answers to disputes in a context of scientific uncertainty.

However, there are many indications that the precautionary principle is in fact part of general international law, notably the willingness to codify the principle into framework legislations as well as international agreements, and the existence a customary obligation to exercise due diligence to prevent and to anticipate transboundary harm as well as to conduct environmental impact assessments (EIAs).

A guest lecturer will discuss the latest developments in different fields ranging from fisheries to Chemicals.



Department of Public and International Law, the Natural Resource Group
Tags: environmental law, precautionary principle
Published Oct. 17, 2019 2:39 PM - Last modified Oct. 17, 2019 2:39 PM