Ambition assessment of emissions targets in climate litigation and international negotiations

Dr. Yann Robiiou du Pont is giving a seminar on the topic. 

Portrait of yann Robiiou du Pont. Photo.

Yann Robiiou du Pont

It is possible to join the seminar in person in Lødrups kjeller or by zoom.

Link to zoom meeting:

Documentation on how to use Zoom can be found here: Zoom: Video Meetings and digital lectures - University of Oslo (

About the speaker:

Yann is a scientist on climate mitigation strategies and climate justice. He is quantifying equitable emissions trajectories for countries and subnational governments, and derives metrics to assess the ambition of climate pledges. His work informs government pledges (the UK NDCs & net-zero target, C40, State of Victoria), diplomats, and courts on climate litigation cases against governments and companies. His research, relayed in national independent climate authorities, IPCC and UNEP Gap reports, serves as ambition assessments under the Glasgow stock-take (see

After diverse research experiences in polar research, hydrology, cosmology and oceanography, Yann obtained his PhD from the University of Melbourne by quantifying emissions pathways for countries to align with the Paris Agreement. Aside from academia, Yann worked with the French think-tank IDDRI advising heads of European climate delegations, at Climate Analytics on subnational action and climate litigation and with adelphi on multi-level climate governance in South-East Asia and Africa.

Published Nov. 1, 2021 1:38 PM - Last modified Nov. 8, 2021 9:12 AM