Law on access to the countryside (completed)


Recreational access to the Norwegian outdoors is primarily set out in the 1957 Outdoor Recreation Act (friluftsloven). Hiking, cross-country skiing, horse riding, biking, camping, swimming, sailing and picking wild flowers and berries are all part of the legal outdoor activities. Several European countries have similar legislation. 

The 1957 Outdoor Recreation Act was written under different social circumstances, and is currently being challenged - by new ways of using the outdoors, and by changes in society in general.


The thesis examines the legal boundaries of access rights. Questions related to the exercise of traditional rights in a modern society are discussed in a Scandinavian perspective. Among the questions are the commercial use of access rights, and conflicts arising when the population increases and available areas dwindle.

The thesis has been published as a book. Read more on the authors webpage.

Published Oct. 17, 2012 12:45 PM