Transnational regimes of violence

Lunch seminar with Dr. Anja Bredal

Picture of Anja Bredal

Anja Bredal is Senior Researcher at Norwegian Social Research (Nova). Photo: OsloMet

Gender-based family violence is not always limited to the nation state but can also be perpetrated, endured and facilitated transnationally.

This lunch seminar, hosted by the Research Group on Migration Law, will focus on transnational regimes of violence. Anja Bredal, Senior Researcher at Norwegian Social Research (Nova) at Oslo Metropolitan University, will present a forthcoming book chapter on this topic.

A broad approach to the study of transnational violence

Research to date has only explored some aspects of transnational regimes of violence. Anja Bredal’s study takes a broader approach, outlining 1) transnational elements in regimes of violence, 2) how abuse and control cross national borders, and 3) transnationality as a conducive context for regimes of violence.

The chapter Bredal will present focuses on violence against women from partners and in-laws and on violence against adolescent daughters from their parents and other kin. The chapter builds on interviews with women of immigrant background living in Norway and judgements from Norwegian Criminal Courts.

Building on established theories of domestic violence as regime and continuum, the concept transnational regime of family violence is offered as a contribution to ongoing attempts at theorising the spatiality of gender-based violence. The concept captures how the involved actors’ attachment to several nation states produces specific opportunity structures for abusers and specific vulnerabilities for the abused. 

Bredal will also comment on the capacity of the Norwegian Penal Code to deal with such transnational violence.

Register for the event here

It is also possible to attend the seminar via Zoom (link to Zoom-meeting). 

The event is in Norwegian and will be moderated by Professor and Co-chair of the Research Group, May-Len Skilbrei. Lunch and coffee will be served.

Published Oct. 20, 2021 2:50 PM - Last modified Oct. 10, 2022 11:54 AM