Guidance for Blogging for Sustainability

Please keep your blog post to between 600 words and 1000 words. Please submit your draft to as a Word document (or equivalent), so that we easily can edit your post.

Posts for our blog do not have footnotes, endnotes or a bibliography. Rather, use a hyperlink to the source whenever you make an empirical statement. E.g., ‘investors care about climate change’. How do you know this? Show the reader that you have a basis for your statement, by adding a hyperlink to the source, whether that it is, for example, a research article, a white paper, or a newspaper article. In general, any empirical statement should include a hyperlink to the source, unless it is obvious and generally known information.

A blog post is different from an academic article. We encourage you to write in an easily accessible way, with an interested reader of a blog as your imagined target group. Give your post a short and interesting title. Draw in your reader from the first paragraph. Use an active tone and short sentences. Have short paragraphs. Add headings to break up the text. Make the headings interesting, giving the essence or posing a question. End with a paragraph that gives the reader something to take with them into their work, their studies, or their dinner conversation with family and friends.