International Investment Law(s)? A computational study of the actors influence and legitimacy in international investment arbitration.

Presentation by Runar Hilleren Lie, PhD Candidate, Pluricourts, University of Oslo.

In international investment law we have over 3400 autonomous bilateral treaties, yet when this tought and discussed, we refer to it as international investment law. With less then 1100 cases and a small group of individuals and law firms litigating these legal instruments, we are observing an increasing harmonisation of the legal frameworks. Through computational and empirical analysis the direction and intensity of the change in the actors understanding and interpretation of the underlying legal instruments will be studied. This will be supplemented by a critical assessment of the legitimacy of harmonisation. 

Open for all interested.

We will serve coffee and tea. You may bring your lunch packet!



Company Law Group
Published Nov. 13, 2019 9:04 AM - Last modified Nov. 13, 2019 9:04 AM