Regulating Sustainable Finance in the Dark - Considerations on The EU Green Deal and the New Sustainable Finance Strategy

Presentation by Dirk Andreas Zetzsche, Professor at the University of Luxembourg.

The lunch seminar will be held through Zoom and is open for all. If you would like to participate, please register to get the Zoom link. 

About the topic

At this seminar, Professor Zetzsche will present the working paper he is writing together with Dr Linn Anker-Sørensen. The paper discusses the impact of the six items of the EU's Sustainable Finance Action Plan (SFAP) on the law and organization of financial intermediaries, with a special view of asset managers. It argues that sustainable investment is to be inserte as "the new normal", i.e. as legal standard in EU asset management law. The paper then goes on to discuss the consequences and examines potential further legislative steps to be expected as part of the revised SFAP which the European Commission announced to be forthcoming until the end of the year. It argues that while steps so far focused on enhanced disclosure, legislation aiming at changing the organization of asset and fund managers is of entirely different effect, and it cautions that any changes to financial legislation need to be strictly fact-based to avoid unnecessary costs and delays. So far, it concludes, regulators lack sufficient data to assess these effects.


Please see the presentation from Professor Dirk Andreas Zetzsche (in .pdf).


Published Nov. 20, 2020 8:04 AM - Last modified Aug. 22, 2022 8:33 AM