Mitigating the corporate and financial risks of unsustainability through sustainability due diligence

The meeting will be held through Zoom. While it is organised primarily as a meeting for members of our Business and Finance Forums, it is open to all interested. Please register your participation below.

At this joint meeting for our Business and Finance Forums, we will discuss how the corporate and financial risks of unsustainability may be mitigated through sustainability due diligence. This is a very topical issue in light of the ongoing process in several European states as well as in the European Union on mandatory due diligence for environmental and human rights issues and more broadly for a comprehensive sustainability due diligence.

The aim of this meeting is to update the members of our forums on ongoing initiatives and to facilitate a transdisciplinary discussion on the topic of mitigating risks of unsustainability, for business, finance and for society, through sustainability due diligence. The discussion will be steered towards identifying how this can be done in a way that provides a level playing field and legal certainty for all involved.

The meeting will be led by Professors Jukka Mähönen and Beate Sjåfjell.


09.00-09.30 Update over legislative initiatives for sustainability due diligence in Europe
09.30-10.00 Open discussion on sustainability due diligence with best practice examples from business
10.00-10.30 Open discussion on how to secure a level playing field and legal certainty for all involved
10.30-10.45 Concluding reflection


Presentation, Beate Sjåfjell (in pdf.)

Published Feb. 18, 2021 1:40 PM - Last modified Sep. 4, 2022 2:26 PM