Book launch of Sustainable Value Creation in the European Union

We are honoured to announce the launch of the volume ‘Sustainable Value Creation in the European Union: Towards Pathways to a Sustainable Future through Crises’ at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Athens. There are a strictly limited number of seats available at this launch. Register early to secure a seat!

The launch is scheduled at 17.00-18.30 EET / 16-17.30 CET.

Image may contain: World, Nature, Organism, Font, Natural landscape.

Cover of the volume Sustainable Value Creation in the European Union, Cambridge University Press

About the volume

The volume, edited by Beate Sjåfjell, Georgina Tsagas and Charlotte Villiers, is positioned within a research-based concept of sustainability, defined as securing social foundations for humanity now and for the future within planetary boundaries. This provides the basis for the analyses of the potential for sustainable value creation in the EU. The book brings together contributions from experts from a range of academic disciplines, with legal scholarship at the core of the volume. The critical and constructive analysis identifies continuing challenges for the EU and the rest of the world. Yet an optimistic message is also presented. Noting that shareholder primacy is increasingly coming under question and a growing interest in the concepts of corporate purpose and sustainable value creation, the volume also presents suggestions for how to highlight the potential for corporations to be a force for good if supported by more effective legal and regulatory reforms and operating with more innovative structures and technologies.

Chapter 1 of the volume, Stimulating Value Creation in a Europe in Crisis, by Charlotte Villiers, Beate Sjåfjell and Georgina Tsagas, is freely accessible for all at SSRN. Full text of the whole volume is available through Cambridge Core at selected university libraries. More information about the volume is available on the website of Cambridge University Press.

Praise for the volume

Professor Takis Tridimas has written the foreword to the volume and highlights the volume’s critique of ‘the EU’s model of value creation and [its] call for greater emphasis on sustainability’. Professor Tridimas identifies that a premise that underpins this book is that, ‘although the EU offers an admirable value system and has made a major contribution to the well-being of the peoples of Europe, it has not achieved its full potential owing to the lack of commitment by the Member States’. Professor Tridimas goes on to say that the contributions of the volume ‘address value creation in the EU by challenging what the authors perceive to be an eschewed conception of it and proposing its readjustment in the interests of social fairness and sustainability’. He concludes by saying that the ‘book brings to the fore some important themes, critiques prevailing policy models, and proposes solutions. The analysis is rigorous, relevant and original. It thus makes a very valuable contribution to the narrative debate and the conceptualisation of the integration model’.


NB! Time for event is 5-6.30 pm European Eastern Time (EET)

  • Welcome to the book launch by the Norwegian Embassy
  • Introducing the volume by Beate Sjåfjell, Professor, University of Oslo and Visiting Professor, College of Europe, and Georgina Tsagas, Accredited Mediator Civil & Commercial Law United Kingdom & Greece
  • Prepared comment by Christina Livada, Assistant Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and Alessio Bartolacelli, Associate Professor & Jean Monnet Chair Holder, University of Macerata
  • Questions, comments and discussion with all participants, chaired by Georgina Tsagas


Please register your participation by end of day 9 March EET. The number of seats at the venue are strictly limited. All registered participants will receive a flyer, allowing them to purchase the volume at a reduced price. For questions, please contact Beate Sjåfjell.

Published Feb. 15, 2023 3:17 PM - Last modified Feb. 27, 2023 8:42 AM