PhD seminar on Sustainability Law 2023

The topic of this year’s PhD seminar is Interdisciplinary Research in Law and for Sustainable Value Creation. The seminar is planned as a physical event at the Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, with possibility for participation through Zoom.

boxes, text, trees, house

Photo by Joshua Lawrence on Unsplash.


The overall theme for the PhD Seminar 2023 is Interdisciplinarity in Law and for Sustainable Value Creation.      

The seminar will cover important theoretical and methodological issues for PhD candidates and include discussions on recent developments and topical issues related to sustainable value creation. On the first day, we will address the importance of interdisciplinary research in sustainability, and the role of interdisciplinarity in legal research. On the second day, we will focus on the concept of sustainable value creation, both from European and global perspectives. The third day of the seminar will be devoted to addressing the meaning and relevance of a regulatory ecology approach to conducting research in sustainability law. A regulatory ecology approach analyses the interactions between law and social norms, market pressures, and human-made and ecological architectures as infrastructures, thus allowing to identify options of regulatory interventions. The fourth day will focus on due diligence and reporting regulation, inspired by recent trends in global governance and EU law. We will end the seminar with a day dedicated to reflections on the future of interdisciplinarity and sustainable legal research.

We look forward to a wonderful combination of lectures by senior scholars and presentations by PhD candidates. We welcome PhD candidates from the Nordics and Europe as well as from other countries. With high quality academic lectures, the seminar is relevant also for senior scholars and practitioners. The seminar will be in hybrid form, but we encourage presenting PhD candidates to join physically if possible. Please make sure to register before 2 October (for physical participation) or 9 October (online participation). See link for registration below.

The seminar gives a unique opportunity to PhD candidates to present their topics amongst a dedicated group of peers and senior scholars. For those interested, there is also an option of signing up for essay writing, with follow-up after the seminar. We recommend early registration for those interested in presenting their projects, as we usually receive more requests than we can accommodate.

Programme, abstracts, readings, etc.


The seminar will be in hybrid form, but we encourage presenting PhD candidates to join physically if possible. Please make sure to register before 2 October (for physical participation) or 9 October (online participation):


Jukka Mähönen

Eléonore Maitre-Ekern

Mona Østvang Ådum

Published June 19, 2023 2:07 PM - Last modified Oct. 26, 2023 1:38 PM