Seminar and book launch - Corporate Sustainability, Peace and the Environment

This seminar brings together the international law discourse on environmental peacebuilding and the corporate law and corporate governance stream of research on corporate sustainability. The occasion is a launch of the Research Handbook on International Law and Environmental Peacebuilding, edited by Daniëlla Dam-de Jong and Britta Sjöstedt.


Image may contain: World, Nature, Organism, Font, Natural landscape.

Cover of the Research Handbook on International Law and Environmental Peacebuilding, Edward Elgar Publishing (2023).

The theme of the volume

The Research Handbook on International Law and Environmental Peacebuilding addresses the growing recognition within the international law community that natural resource governance and environmental protection are crucial aspects of peace processes, both as a security imperative and as an opportunity for peacebuilding. Examining the impact of international normative and institutional frameworks on environmental peacebuilding, the research handbook features contributions from distinguished experts and global case studies on integrated legal approaches to the governance of natural resources. 

Chapters examine the role of international legal obligations on fair and equitable benefit-sharing in environmental protection, the contribution of the UN and other international institutions to environmental peacebuilding, and the nexus between access to environmental services and peacebuilding efforts. It also explores contemporary integrated approaches for improving the inclusivity of environmental peacebuilding, considering the role of gender and indigenous peoples’ perspectives.

Theme of the seminar

The seminar celebrates the new volume and brings together contributors to the volume and the international law debates with corporate sustainability scholars. The discussion will identify areas of joint interest between the fields and discuss connections between the regulatory fields as well as the gaps and incoherencies. Through a policy coherence for sustainability lens, the aim is to explore possibilities for strengthening existing legislative initiatives that have the potential to bridge gaps between the fields and identify areas for possible joint research. 

Programme (all times are Central European Time)

9.00-9.15: Registration, tea and coffee

9.15-9.30: Welcome and setting the scene, by Cecilia Bailliet

9.30-10.00: Presentation of the book by Daniëlla Dam-de Jong and Britta Sjöstedt, and short pitches of book chapters by selected authors

10.00-10.30: Questions and discussion 

10.30-10.45: Tea and coffee break

10.45-12.25: Roundtable discussion on interconnections between international law on environmental peacebuilding and corporate sustainability law

12.25-12.30: Closing of the seminar by Beate Sjåfjell

12.30: Lunch for all participants


Please register by February 21, 2024 through this online form


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Published Dec. 21, 2023 10:53 AM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2024 1:43 PM