PhD seminar on Sustainability Law 2024

The topic of this year’s Sustainability Law PhD Seminar is the regulatory influence of international laws and policies on European economic actors. The seminar is hybrid, welcoming participants in Oslo as well as through zoom.

circle, orange

Illustration: Reprosentralen, University of Oslo.


Vertical and horizontal silos in the regulation of business and finance are barriers to change. These silos are now beginning to crack, with international laws and policies being integrated into EU legislative instruments and drawn on in groundbreaking cases against business.

What is the status in key areas? What does this mean for business, for decision-makers in business, and for policymakers? What does this evolving regulatory framework mean for PhD candidates writing their theses on regulation of business, finance, or the economy more broadly?

This seminar brings together sustainability-oriented scholars from a range of fields to discuss these important themes – and to provide feedback and support to PhD candidates.

We welcome PhD candidates from all institutions and countries. The seminar gives a unique opportunity to PhD candidates to present their topics amongst a dedicated group of peers and senior scholars. We recommend early registration for those interested in presenting their PhD projects, as we usually receive more requests than we can accommodate.

With high quality academic lectures, the seminar is relevant for senior scholars and practitioners. Master students are welcome to join. Early registration is also recommended for all who wish to participate physically as we have a limited number of seats.

Programme, abstracts, readings, etc.


The seminar is hybrid, while we encourage presenting PhD candidates to join physically if possible. The slots for presentation will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis, as will the seats for physical participation. Please make sure to register by 2 September (for physical participation) or 12 September (online participation), through this online form:


Academic organisers:

Beate Sjåfjell

Shruti Kashyap


Administrative support:

Kristin Koren Viksjø


Sustainability Law
Published June 12, 2024 9:56 AM - Last modified June 20, 2024 5:16 PM