Call for papers: Gender Challenges in Business

Daughters of Themis: International Network of Female Business Scholars is pleased to announce the call for papers for its seventh annual workshop. The aim of the annual workshop is to provide a forum for in-depth and inspiring discussions.

Call for papers' deadline - 15 February 2022, end of day CET.

The workshop will be held from 5 to 8 June 2022 on the Greek island of Kea.

Image may contain: sky, sea, blue, rock, sand, boat

Photo: on Kea Island, Greece

Daughters of Themis is a network for scholars who identify as female business scholars in all areas of scholarship pertaining to business, including law, economics, management and administration, political science, psychology, cultural anthropology, sociology, philosophy, and natural sciences.

Workshop theme

Gender equality has been part of the discussion in the corporate setting as well as in the academic setting and public sector setting for more than twenty years. Equal pay, equal opportunities, sexual harassment complaint mechanisms, and equal progression today as well as diverse recruitment programmes applying positive discrimination, are the manifestations of legislation, mandatory gender quotas, and corporate interventions, adopted and conducted pursuant to pressure from many stakeholders. As businesses and other organisations publicly claim that they strive towards achieving full gender equality, a complete appraisal of these progressions (thus far) can be conducted through systematic literature reviews.

Systematic literature reviews synthesise evidence to answer a particular research question in a way that is transparent and reproducible, while seeking to include all published (academic) evidence on the topic and appraising the quality of this evidence.

The focus and theme of this workshop is systematic literature reviews on the gender challenges in and related to business and/or the workplace, experienced by underrepresented individuals, particularly women. The reviews can also address how these issues are measured against the progressions of gender equality in academic fields relevant to business.

We are inviting proposals that align with the theme. Topics may relate to or be analysed from various academic fields, including but not limited to corporate law, labour law, human rights law, finance, organisational studies, organisational behaviour, management and other relevant fields within social sciences, and business practices. A multi-disciplinary approach is also possible.

Please note that in case not all scholars are familiar with the methodologies of systematic literature reviews, the academic organisers have outlined guidance available here and are also available for questions.

Submission of abstracts and selection of participants

The title of your paper and an abstract containing a maximum of 500 words should be submitted via this online form by 15 February 2022 (end of day CET). Successful participants will be notified by 28 February 2022. The selection of participants will be competitive, based on the quality and thematic fit of the submitted abstract with the workshop theme. We usually have more high-quality abstracts than space, and those we are not able to include in the first round, will be placed on a waiting list and alerted if there are any openings. This may be especially relevant during the still ongoing pandemic. For any participants withdrawing or unable to travel due to COVID-19, a digital workshop will be organised after the summer, to give all an opportunity to present.

The selected participants will be required to submit short working papers with a maximum of 2,500 words, including footnotes, by 10 May 2022. Timely submission of working papers is a condition for participation in the workshop. The word limit for the short working papers is chosen to enable all workshop participants to read all papers in preparation for the workshop, and to give space for developing the themes of the individual papers after the workshop, based on the comments from and discussion with the other participants. The limit for the full-length papers will be 8,000 words including footnotes.

A peer-reviewed joint publication of selected workshop papers is envisaged. We will, therefore, only accept original research, which is not submitted for publication elsewhere, and we request that the workshop participants commit to this publication process within a reasonable timeline, to be agreed upon at the workshop.

Workshop spaces are limited to 14 participants, including the organisers, so that each participant can benefit from an extended discussion of her work. The workshop sessions are shaped to ensure interactive discussion with two commentators assigned to each paper. Each participant will accordingly be asked to prepare comments for two other papers.

Practical details about the workshop

The workshop will be held from Sunday 5 June to Wednesday 8 June 2022 at the Cavo Perlevos Guesthouse on the Greek island of Kea, in self-contained studios with a bedroom, kitchen area and bathroom. Kea is reached by a one-hour ferry trip from the port of Lavrio (near Athens), and the organisers will send out more information to all participants.

The workshop will be organised differently in 2022 compared to previous years, as the 2022 workshop will be a double workshop. The first group (31 May–3 June) is for participants selected for the 2020 workshop, which had to be postponed due to COVID-19 and was then held virtually in 2021. The second group (5–8 June) is for participants selected for this call for papers. We are organising an optional joint social day for participants from both workshop groups, on Saturday 4 June, with an outing and dinner.

The workshop programme is structured to allow for plenty of individual and collegial social time in this secluded and beautiful venue close to the Aegean.

Further details about travel and accommodation will be given to the selected participants. We will set a reasonable self-cost workshop fee to cover accommodation at Cavo Perlevos as well as lunch and dinner from Sunday through to Wednesday. The workshop fee and other travel and accommodations costs are to be funded by the scholar herself.

The network, unfortunately, has no general funding available for participants. However, we have managed to secure funds to contribute to costs for one or two participants. We wish to include female business scholars from lower-income countries in our network, and we encourage submissions also from existing or potential new members in such countries. Please provide a short justification in the financial hardship section of the online form, and let us know whether funding is a prerequisite for your attendance.

Organising Committee for the 2022 Daughters of Themis Workshop

Academic organisation:

Logistics on the ground in Greece:


Published Jan. 4, 2022 2:58 PM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2022 1:00 AM