Call for academic organisers for the Daughters of Themis Workshop 2025

Daughters of Themis: International Network of Women Business Scholars is pleased to announce a call for themes for the 10th Annual Daughters of Themis Workshop. The workshop is planned for the last week of May 2025.

Deadline for the call for academic organisers and their workshop theme: 30 April 2024

Image may contain: sky, sea, blue, rock, sun

Workshop session June 2023, Cavo Perlevos guesthouse.

Daughters of Themis is a network for scholars who identify as women business scholars in all areas of scholarship pertaining to business, including law, economics, management and administration, political science, psychology, cultural anthropology, sociology, philosophy, and natural sciences.

Could you be one of the academic organisers of the 2025 workshop?

We invite interested scholars in the Daughters of Themis Network to nominate themselves to be the academic organisers of this 10th Annual Workshop. The aim of the annual workshop is to provide a forum for in-depth and inspiring discussions around the theme of your choice related to the domain of business!

We invite you to submit a description of your proposed theme for the workshop (max 500 words), and a short publication plan (max 500 words). In your submission, please set out why this theme requires to be studied in more depth (academic and/or societal relevance) and how you envisage that the workshop contributes to the relevant academic literature. We request that the academic organisers commit to working towards a peer-reviewed joint publication of the workshop papers. As the annual workshops are small, we ask that the group of academic organisers is limited to two or maximum three scholars. You can submit your application through this online form no later than 30 April 2024!  

The Steering Committee of Daughters of Themis looks forward to reading your proposals, and we will make our decision by 10 May 2024. The selection will be competitive, based on quality and the contribution to the field. If the Steering Committee finds that there are several high-quality themes that fit the criteria, we may invite all the members to vote on the theme that they find most suitable for the 2025 workshop.

The selected academic organisers will be asked to prepare their draft call for papers by 9 September 2024, for the Steering Committee to review. The aim is to have the finalised call for papers out by the end of September 2024. The selection of invited scholars should be made at the latest in January 2025.

See the call for this year’s workshop as well earlier workshop themes here: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016.

Practical details about the workshop

The workshop will be held in the last week of May 2025. Since 2016, the workshop has been held at the Cavo Perlevos Guesthouse on the Greek island of Kea, in self-contained studios with a bedroom, kitchen area and bathroom. Kea is reached by a one-hour ferry trip from the port of Lavrio (near Athens). Workshop spaces are normally limited to 12 participants, including the organisers, so that each participant can benefit from an extended discussion of her work. The workshop sessions are shaped to ensure interactive discussion. The workshop programme is always structured to allow for plenty of individual and collegial social time in this secluded and beautiful venue close to the Aegean.

Beate Sjåfjell (University of Oslo) can provide on the ground assistance in Kea. If the academic organisers of the 2025 workshop wish to propose another venue, we are open to explore that possibility with you.


Daughters of Themis does not have funding for the workshops. Organisers and invited scholars pay for their own costs, although Daughters of Themis aims, where possible, to provide financial assistance to one or two scholars. This reflects our aim to include women business scholars from low-income countries in the network and at the workshop.

The Steering Committee

The Steering Committee 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Deirdre Ahern
  • Linda Chen
  • Kimberly Houser
  • Sanja Mihalić
  • Anne-Christin Mittwoch
  • Kinanya Pijl
  • Beate Sjåfjell

For any questions, please contact Beate Sjåfjell ( or write to the Steering Committee as a whole (

Published Feb. 29, 2024 2:43 PM - Last modified Feb. 29, 2024 3:12 PM