Gender equality in business: Daughters of Themis Workshop 2022

The seventh international annual workshop of Daughter of Themis brought together 14 business scholars from universities in different cities all around the world (Oslo, Amsterdam, Stockholm, London, Nairobi, Vancouver, Zagreb, Porto, São Paulo) to discuss gender equality in business.

Image may contain: Person, Hair, Face, Smile, Head, tables

Participants of the 7th annual workshop at Kea.

The participants were selected based on a competitive call for papers on gender challenges in business with systematic literature review as the common methodology. The workshop was held at the Island of Kea (Κέα(Τζιά), Greece and lasted four days, 5-8 June 2022, where the scholars worked together in very harmonious environment of the Cavo Perlevos guesthouse. This provided a wonderful venue, making it possible to fill the day with scholarly exchange of knowledge and inspiring discussions, have a quick swim in a break, and end the day at the dinner table in supportive and friendly conversations.

Each working session consisted of the participants’ papers, two assigned discussants for each paper with insightful inputs and suggestions for the further development of the research, followed by 45 minutes discussion for each paper. The inspiring academic discussion continued over meals and on walks.

Image may contain: Table, Tableware, Sharing, Laptop, Community.
Workshop session at Cavo Perlevos guesthouse
Image may contain: Table, Plant, Laptop, Umbrella, Computer.
Workshop session at Cavo Perlevos guesthouse

Reflections from the participants

The multidisciplinarity of the workshop and the range of topics covered contributed to its cohesiveness rather than subtracting from it, as the reflections from the participants show: 

Sarah Cornell highlighted that ‘the broad scope of people’s manuscript contributions ranged from education and training through to business and community practices. That span feels important and helping to keep aware of the relevance of all work to illuminate and redress gender challenges, wherever we are doing it’. Sarah added that the discussions ‘were really inspiring and idea-provoking. What amazed me most was that although we have different disciplinary backgrounds and research fields, the various papers covered a very broad range of social, business and legal issues, they all “hung together”’.

For Sanja Mihalić ‘academic approaches from the different field of business and the different part of the world contributed to rich discussions which made it possible not just to refine your own paper but also to think broader, in a more productive and more inclusive way’.

Lívia Gil Guimarães responded that ‘the richness of the event could not only be felt by means of the diverse articles themes submitted, and through the constructive discussions around them, but also by the unique quality time spent with intellectuals from different standpoints in terms of academic trajectory and life perspectives’.

Rosalien van’t Foort-Diepeveen added: ‘I really like the diversity in the topics of the papers. All the papers have a gender angle, yet they are from different disciplines. This gave us a rich discussion during the workshop’.

That the workshops are the heart of Daughters of Themis is also reflected in the many other positive responses the participants sent in in preparation of this news piece:

‘The Daughters of Themis network is both stimulating for fresh thinking and a supportive “safe space” where we can really be open about our always tightly linked personal and professional realities. As it grows it is also more international, bringing much more diversity in people’s experience – and richness of wisdom’ (Sarah Cornell).

‘I truly value first of all, the friendship and sisterhood of my peers and of everyone at the workshop – I feel like I have been given a precious treasure, to be supported, and to support, very like-minded women’ (Pin Lean Lau).

‘The workshop is an example that academic life and activities can be conducted in a very committed and cooperative way. I certainly take with me the feeling that we are much stronger together’ (Sheila Christina Neder Cerezetti).

‘For me, it was remarkable the seriousness and professionalism of the discussion: all the participants engaged in the debate of each others' papers through constructive feedback’ (Cecília Barreto de Almeida)

‘I left the 2022 workshop transformed and with a sense of hope for the future of gender discussions. It was certainly a life changing experience and I’m grateful for those in the Daughters of Themis network that made this encounter possible!’ (Lívia Gil Guimarães).

 ‘The workshop aimed for in-depth and inspiring discussions, and we had this and much more. During this week I had the opportunity to meet and learn from amazing women – not only about gender studies and systematic literature review, but about life, aspirations and companionship. An experience I will never forget!’ (Isabelle Oglouyan de Campos).

‘As a founding member of Daughters of Themis, I take with me a deep gratitude to all the members for co-creating this wonderful space for high-quality intellectual discussions, for friendship and support. Specifically, for this seventh workshop, I am grateful to the academic organisers, Yue Ang and Tineke Lambooy, and to all the participants, for making the workshop such a success! I would also like to thank our wonderful hosts at Cavo Perlevos, who have given Daughters of Themis the best possible workshop home.’ (Beate Sjåfjell)

Intersectionality and Business at the 2023 Workshop!

The 2023 Workshop will be held in Kea on 29 May to 3 June 2023 starting and ending with an optional social day, and with four exciting workshop days with academic sessions and social activities in the middle. The topic is Intersectionality and Business: Reflections, Challenges & Approaches where the academic organising committee for 2023 Workshop are: Yue Ang, Pin Lean Lau, Sanja Mihalić and Lívia Gil Guimarães. The deadline for the call for abstracts is 15 December 2022.

This news piece is written by participant Sanja Mihalic, with input from the participants,


Published Oct. 21, 2022 9:26 AM - Last modified Oct. 21, 2022 9:26 AM