Sustainable Catering

Sustainable Catering

The pilot project Sustainable Catering is a collaborative project between Sustainability Law scholars and the Procurement Office at the University of Oslo. The aim of the pilot project is to create and follow up a new, research-based framework agreement for catering. Catering for meetings and events at the University of Oslo shall provide food that is tasty and varied and that contributes to sustainability, to a safe and just space for humanity.

The pilot project, led by Beate Sjåfjell, has had an intensive first period in 2022-2023 with co-creation of knowledge between project researchers, including research assistant, Ove Kenneth Nodland, and Asle Andre Orseth at the Procurement Office, and market actors. In the project period onwards (2023-2027), Sustainability Law and the Procurement Office will collaborate on following up the new agreements.

The project language is Norwegian, and more information is available on the Norwegian project website.

 Source: Kate Raworth, 2017

Published Oct. 30, 2023 10:13 AM - Last modified Oct. 30, 2023 10:13 AM