The Future of Nordic company law

By Beate Sjåfjell and Jukka Mähonen,  both University of Oslo.

Chapter 14 in Beate Sjåfjell and Jukka Mähönen (eds), Nordic Company Law: Broadening the Horizon (Scandinavian University Press, 2023)


The Nordics have a lot to be proud of, consistently ranking amongst the best countries in the world in the Human Development Index and the World Happiness Report. Yet, the Sustainable Development Index indicates that the Nordic countries’ hard-won success in terms of welfare achievements and stability within their own countries is very much based on an outsourcing of environmental damage. To achieve the transformation to sustainability, to a safe and just space for humanity, fundamental change is needed – also in the Nordics.

In this concluding chapter of the volume Nordic Company Law: Broadening the Horizon, we discuss the challenges and possibilities for globalised business in the Nordics, and the potential and continued evolution of Nordic company law. Looking forward, we propose ways in which Nordic company law can be reformed to realise its potential, meet the challenges, mitigate the forces undermining its potential – and contribute to ensuring business is a part of the transformation to sustainability. We reflect on the risks of continued unsustainability, and the power that lies in a possible renewed Nordic collaboration. There is potential for positive change in the Nordics. Finding ways to harness this potential is both the main hope and message of our book.

Abstract available at SSRN:

Published Mar. 14, 2024 3:10 PM - Last modified Mar. 14, 2024 3:11 PM