Special Issue on Corporate Law and Climate Change

Editors of the special issue: Alessandro Monti, University of Copenhagen and Andreas Hösli, University of Zurich (former visiting researcher the University of Oslo)

March 2023, ex/ante Dike Verlag

Andreas Hösli / Alessandro Monti: Introducing the Special Issue on Corporate Law and Climate Change – (How) Can Corporate Law Steer Companies Towards Meeting the Paris Climate Goals?

The Special Issue on Corporate Law and Climate Change explores the crucial question of corporate and directorial responsibility in times of accelerating climate change. From various perspectives, both country-specific and comparative, six contributions from a diverse range of authors provide multi-faceted insights about the possible role of corporate law in addressing one of the gravest threats of our time. This Special Issue originated from a Call for Papers published by the International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal (ICCLJ).

Read the special issue: 
Dike Verlag, Zeitschrift der juristischen Nachwuchsforschung

Open Access ISBN: 978-3-03929-033-8
ISBN: 978-3-03891-584-3


Published May 8, 2023 9:28 AM - Last modified May 8, 2023 9:28 AM