Relational social theories and legal pluralism: guest lecture by Professor Kebeet von Benda-Beckmann

Professor Kebeet von Benda-Beckmann will give the lecture: Relational social theories and legal pluralism.

Picture of Benda-Beckmann
Professor Benda-Beckmann. Photo: Max Plank Institute

About the lecture

The lecture will take up some of the issues regarding the fundamental embeddedness of persons within social relationships that are currently discussed among social scientists. Insights derived from sociological, anthropological, and psychological research point at the shared problem of the extent to which a human being can be regarded as a separate and autonomous entity. Legal orders differ amongst each other in degree of embeddedness of persons. Likewise, one legal order may also espouse different degrees of autonomy for different legal fields. Professor Benda-Beckmann explores some of the thorny issues that arise from looking at personhood in terms of degrees of autonomy and social embeddedness for conceptualizing and studying legal pluralism.

Commentator: Professor Ingunn Ikdahl, The Faculty of law, UiO. 

About Kebeet von Benda-Beckmann

Kebeet von Benda-Bekcmann is one of the founders of the Max Plank Institute of Legal Anthroplogy in Halle. She was head of the Research  Project "Legal Pluralism" at the Max Plank Institute from 2000-2012. She published jointly with Franz von Benda-Beckmann Social security between Past and Future: Ambonese Networks of Care and Suport  (LIT Verlag 2007). She co-edited with Franz von Benda-Beckmann and Anne Griffhts Moblile People, Mobile Law: Expanding Legal Relations in A Contracting World (Ashgate 2005), with Franz von Benda- Beckmann and Melanie G. WIber Changing Properties of Property (Berghan 2006).

Published June 21, 2019 3:00 PM - Last modified Aug. 30, 2019 11:35 AM