The EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations

PhD fellow Stian Øby Johansen will give a brief overview of the negotiations, and point out some of the aspects of the forthcoming treaty that, from a legal perspective, are particularly interesting and controversial. Norway's position with regard to the EU-US negotiations will also be covered.

The EU and the US are currently negotiating what some are calling the
"largest regional free trade treaty in history". However, the ongoing
negotiations concern much more than what is traditionally understood as free
trade barriers, i.e. tariffs and quotas. The shared intention of the EU and
the US is to create a framework for harmonizing regulations between the two
markets, in order to eliminate non-tariff barriers to trade. Additionally,
the treaty will include provisions on bilateral investment protection --
almost certainly including binding dispute resolution, possibly through a
standing tribunal.

The seminar is open to all interested parties. Refreshments will be served.

For questions, please contact Alla Pozdnakova (







Published Nov. 20, 2013 1:08 PM - Last modified Jan. 2, 2014 11:21 AM