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Previous events - Page 21

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1. etg. Urbygningen

Caroline Bang Stordrange at the Department of Private Law will be defending the thesis; The continuous disclosure obligation and private liability of issuers - An efficient solution? for the degree of Ph.D.

Original title: Aksjeutsteders løpende informasjonsplikt og erstatningsansvar. Behov og potensial for effektivisering?

The disputation will be held in Norwegian.

Time and place: , Lødrups kjeller, Domus Media Vest, Karl Johans gt. 47

Presentation by Professor Jükka Mähönen, Department of Private Law, University of Oslo

Time and place: , Seminar Room, Asbjørn Eide, Cort Adelers gate 30

In the framework of the EURASIA – European Law educational cooperation Oslo – Ukraine, the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights and the Faculty Research Group Human Rights, Armed Conflicts, and the Law of Peace and Security are hosting this open lecture by Professor Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva.

Time and place: , Lødrups kjeller, Karl Jo hans gate 47, Domus Media Westving

By invitation only!

Time and place: , Domus Academica, Aud 4

The seminar incorporates lectures for JUS5670 (Electronic Commerce Law) and the NRCCL’s birthday lecture which is held afterwards at Domus Nova, Auditorium 7 at 17.15.

Norsk forening for internasjonal rett - medlemsmøte 13. mars

Professor Mads Andenæs innleder om rettsprinsipper i folkeretten

Foto: Mads Andenæs

Time and place: , Kjerka, Department of Private Law, Karl Johans gt. 47, Oslo

The Cambridge Handbook of Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Sustainability will be published in 2019. This Symposium will bring together all contributers to the Handbook.

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1. etg Urbygningen

Master of Sociology of Law Rune Ellefsen at Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law will be defending the thesis Performing and policing transgressive protest: A relational approach to the SHAC-HLS conflict in Britain (1999–2014)for the degree of Ph.D.

Time and place: , Lødrups kjeller, Domus Media Vest, Karl Johans gt. 47

Presentation by Professor Ola Mestad, Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, University of Oslo

Time and place: , Lødrups kjeller, Domus Media Vest, Karl Johans gt. 47

Internal lunch event for members of the Research Group only.

Presentation by Yong Zhou and Maria Lundberg.


Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1. etg Urbygningen

Master of Laws Alexander Næss Skjønberg will be defending the thesis; The peace obligation for the degree of Ph.D.

Original title; Fredsplikt i tarifforhold.

The disputation will be held in Norwegian.

Time and place: , Gamle festal, 1st floor, Urbygningen

David Rodriguez Goyes at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law will be defending the thesis; Biopiracy from a green criminological perspective for the degree of Ph.D.

Time and place: , Lødrups kjeller, Domus Media Vest, Karl Johans gt. 47

Presentation by Dr. Rebecca Schmidt, (PhD, European University Institute) Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Sutherland School of  Law University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin

Time and place: , Lødrups kjeller, Domus Media Vest, Karl Johans gt. 47

Presentation by Siri Granum Carson, Associate Professor at Programme for Applied Ethics, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, NTNU

Time and place: , Kjerka, Domus Media west wing 2nd Floor

This seminar discusses the multiple legal issues raised by the recent Norwegian litigation involving EU vessels catching snow crab in the Loophole and around Svalbard with a license from the flag State, but without a Norwegian license.

Chair: professor Ola Mestad, Head of Department at Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1st floor, Urbygningen

Hilde K. Ellingsen at the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law will be defending the thesis Standing to Enforce European Union Law before National Courts. EU Law Requirements on the Legal Standing of Individuals for the degree of Ph.D.

Time and place: , Leiden University, campus The Hague

Conference on the impact of gender on the international bench. The conference is the first in the workshop series "Identity on the International Bench" organized by PluriCourts.

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1st floor, Urygningen

Mark Taylor will be defending the thesis War Economies and International Law:  Regulating the Economic Activity of Armed Conflicts for the degree of Dr. Philos.

Time and place: , Lødrups kjeller, Domus Media

Førstelektor Stian Øby Johansen ved Universitetet i Oslo innleder om internasjonale organisasjoners menneskerettsansvar.

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1. st. floor Urbygningen

Cand.jur. Jon Christian Fløisvik Nordrum at the Department of Public and International Law will be defending his thesis for the degree of Ph.D.

Original title: Bedre regulering? Årsak-virkningsanalyser i norsk reguleringsprosess – med eksempler fra miljøregulering av næringsvirksomhet.

The disputation will be held in Norwegian.

Time and place: , Lødrups Kjeller, Karl Johans gt. 47

Company Law Forum with presentation by Dr. Jay Cullen, Lecturer in Banking and Finance Law and Director, Sheffield Institute of Corporate and Commercial Law.


Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1. etg. Urbygningen

Anette Bringedal Houge at Department of Criminology and Sosiology of Law will be defending the thesis “Thugs” on Trial. Narrating Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in and for International Criminal Justice  for the degree of Ph.D.           

Time and place: , Gamle festal, 1. etg. Urbygningen

Master of Laws Giuseppe Bianco at Department of Private Law will be defending the thesis Restructuring Sovereign Debt: Private Creditors and International Law for the degree of Ph.D.

Time and place: , Domus Bibliotheca, meeting room 325

Support for research projects - strategy for proposals and external possibilities.