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Previous events - Page 27


Cand. jur Eirik Bjørge will defend his thesis Evolutionary interpretation of treaties

Time and place: , Domus Bibliotheca, Auditorium 14

Cand. jur Øystein Jensen will defend his thesis The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: Law and Legitimacy for the degree of ph.d.

Time and place: , Center for Advances studies (CAS)

Mag. Dr. Karin Schneider, from University of Innsbruck, will present the Congress of Achen and it's role in the international law.


Time and place: , Center for Advances Studies (CAS)

Professor of Legal History, Aniceto Masferrer, (University of Valencia) will present the principles of national sovereignity in Spain around 1800, taking the Constitution of Cádiz as an example.

Time and place: , Lysebu

This conference is a part of "The transformation of international law and Norwegian sovereignty in 1814", a research project at the Center for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.

Time and place: , Center for Advances studies (CAS)

Dr. Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina, from the University of Genoa, will present the Swiss philosopher Emer de Vattel and his impact on the international law.   

Time and place: , Sitzungszimmer 2.floor, Juridicum, Vienna

As part of the CAS-visit to Vienna we invite to the following seminar in cooperation with the University of Vienna.

Time and place: , Oslo

The Scandinavian Workshop on e-Government is a forum for discussing current e-government research issues. The workshop is dedicated to open discussions about the current status of e-government research and future directions. The focus is thus on informal discussion rather than on formal conference presentations.

Time and place: , “Kjelleren” at Litteraturhuset

A draft declaration on the right of peoples to peace has been prepared by an UN Human Rights Council appointed Advisory Board.

The seminar will address this draft declaration which focuses on standards relating to international peace and security as core standards (elements of negative peace, absence of violence), and includes standards in the areas of peace education, development, the environment, and victims and vulnerable groups as elements of a positive peace.

Time and place: , Domus Academica, Juridisk eksamenssal
Time and place: , Domus Nova, room 571

Visiting scholar Dr. Livia Navone’s research focuses on the political economy of property law and on the impact of institutional changes on the development of property law, with special attention to the role of collective property rights for society.

Time and place: , The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (Vitenskapsakademiet)

The seminar is day 2 of the phd-seminar that will cover the topic "New institutions and changing boundaries between national and international law and between public and private law". Professor Gunther Teubner from Goethe University will present his latest book.

Time and place: , St. Olavs plass 5, Domus Nova, room 582, 5th floor

A project seminar will be held for everyone interested in the research project "Sustainable tax governance in developing countries through global tax transparency".

Time and place: , Domus Nova room 571

A two-day research and phd-seminar (B-seminar) will cover the topic "New institutions and changing boundaries between national and international law and between public and private law". There will also be a presentation of two new books about the topic, from professor Gunther Teubner and professor Chris Thornhill.

For phd-researchers.

Time and place: , Domus Nova, room 571 (5th floor), St. Olavs plass 5

Wolfgang Kaleck, the General Secretary for the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, will give a guest lecture at the University of Oslo 1 October 2012.

Time and place: , Room 571, Domus Nova 5th floor

By Professor Saskia Klosse, Maastricht University

Time and place: , Domus Nova, room 571 (5th floor), St. Olavs plass 5

Peter Weiss, a veteran US lawyer, New York, with key positions in the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), and International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA), will give a guest lecture 20 September 2012.

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, Domus Academica, Karl Johans gate 47

Associate Professor Christina Voigt will interview Professor Bruno Simma, former judge on the International Court of Justice.

Time and place: , Domus Nova, room 571 (5th floor)

Guest lecture by Robert J. Currie, Director of the Law & Technology Institute at Dalhousie University (Canada).

Time and place: , Vienna, Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law of the Wirtscharftsuniverität Wien

A project kick-off meeting will be held for invited participants in the project Sustainable Tax Governance in Developing Countries through Global Tax Transparency.

Time and place: , Domus Nova, Room 770

Welcome to the closing conference for the research project Justice in the Risk Society and the book launch of "Justice and Security in the 21st Century". The conference will examine emerging trends and dilemmas in the constant challenge of enhancing security without undermining justice.

Time and place: , The Faculty of Law and Edderkoppen Conference Centre

The year 2012 marks a number of watershed points in international environmental affairs, making it an appropriate point in time for reflection on the legal status of nature.

The three day conference, organized by the research group for natural resources law, will gather experts on environmental law from different parts of the world and legal cultures.


Time and place: , Rom 770 (7. etasje) Domus Nova

Conference on Education Law, 26 and 27 April 2012

The Faculty of Law, University of Oslo.

Time and place: , Voksenåsen hotell

Konferanse/workshop i regi av Forskergruppen Internationalization of Law.
