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Previous events - Page 28

Time and place: , Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

Professor Cecilia Bailliet will interview ICJ Judge Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade. The Interview is combined with the launch of Trindades book "International Law for Humankind - Towards a New Jus Gentium".

Time and place: , Fakultetsværelset i annen etasje i Domus Academica SE02 203

Professor Gradoni vant i fjor ESILs Book Prize for sin bok "Regime Failure Nel Diritto Internazionale" (CEDAM, 2009), som nå kommer i engelskspråklig utgave på Cambridge University Press (2011).

Time and place: , Domus Nova, room 571

Finola O'Sullivan (Editorial Director (Law), Cambridge University Press (CUP):  Getting Published Internationally in Academic Books and Journals  

Time and place: , Domus Nova, Rom 770

Forelesningen er basert på artikkelutkastet "Constitutionalism and the Incompleteness of Democracy: An Iterative Relationship". Les et sammendrag her.  

Time and place: , Teologisk eksamenssal, Domus Academica

International organizations exercise increasing power, both at the regional and global level. This raises also questions about the legitimacy and control of such powers. Professor Jan Klabbers is a leading expert on the law of international organizations and is the Director of the Centre of Excellence in Global Governance Research at the University of Helsinki.

Time and place: , University of Oslo


This network conference is funded by the Research Council of Norway.

Time and place: , Bristol Hotel, Oslo

We invite internationally acclaimed women scholars to this conference. The intention is to create a network for women scholars and practitioners to support their engagement in international public law. We seek to pursue publication of the papers and conclusions of the roundtables in an anthology with an international publishing house thereafter. 

Time and place: , Gamle Festsal, University of Oslo, Faculty of Law
Time and place: , Oslo (Second ILDC Colloquium)

Should States Ratify Human Rights Conventions?

Preparatory Workshop 2:  Legitimacy
