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Previous events

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1 etg Domus Academica and zoom

Jørn Andreas Lyngstad at Department of Public and International Law will be defending the thesis Merverdiavgift og konsern for the degree of PhD. 

Time and place: , Professorboligen, Karl Johans gt. 47

Hva skal vi med kunnskap om straff? I hvilken grad bidrar empirisk forskning med kunnskap som danner grunnlag for strafferetten og kriminalpolitikken?

Time and place: , Domus Juridica, room 6113

Exernal PhD candidate Ingeborg Jenssen Sandbukt at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law (IKRS) will present her doctoral project.

Time and place: , Meeting room 8113, Domus Juridica, and Zoom

PhD candidate Maja Vestad at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law (IKRS) will present her doctoral project.

Time and place: , Domus Juridica, 8th floor, Room 8113

The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights welcomes you to this guest lecture by Prof. Gamze Erdem Türkelli on 'Governing public goods through multistakeholder partnerships: human rights accountability and beyond'

Time and place: , Professorboligen - Loftet / Zoom

Welcome to this lunch seminar with presentation by Dr David Monciardini, Senior Researcher in the Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis, University of Turin (Italy), on the topic of "Redefining Value Creation: Paradigm Changes in Corporate Reporting".

Open to all interested.

Time and place: , Professorboligen

Faget rettssosiologi har en lang historie ved Det juridiske fakultet. Institutt for rettssosiologi og kriminologi inviterer til seminar om hva som kjennetegner den rettssosiologiske tradisjonen i Norge.

Time and place: , Zoom

Effective short and long-term hedging as a prerequisite for a well-functioning electricity market.

Time and place: , Domus Juridica, room 7227

Wednesday 12 June 2024, Assistant Professor Ezgi Yildiz will present her new book Between Forbearance and Audacity: The European Court of Human Rights and the Norm against Torture. 

Time and place: , Lødrups kjeller/Zoom

Welcome to this afternoon seminar with presentation by Nazli Azergun, PhD candidate in Anthropology at the University of Virginia, on the topic of "An ethnography of sustainable finance in Norway ".

Open to all interested.

Time and place: , Room 7227, 7th floor, Domus Juridica

Norwegian Centre for Human Rights invites to a workshop on consequentialism and human rights with Martin Hapla and Tomáš Sobek from Masaryk University, together with Lars Christie from the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Time and place: , Universitetet i Oslo, Domus Juridica, Auditorium 2

Hva kan kriminologer og rettssosiologer bidra med i samfunnet? Møt våre dyktige masterstudenter som presenterer sine prosjekter for arbeidslivet.

Time and place: , Seminar Room "Kjerka", Domus Media West, Karl Johans gt. 47

Join us for a roundtable discussion on Copyright and AI, hosted by The Research Group for Market, Innovation and Competition (MIC). This event is part of the conference on AI Regulation and Governance: A Cross-Jurisdictional Approach.

Time and place: , Auditorium 1 Domus Juridica, Kristian August gate 17

A Reflection on Partnerships with Israeli Universities and Private Companies in the Context of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Time and place: , Kea Island, Greece

The Ninth International Workshop of Daughters of Themis: International Network for Women Business Scholars broadens and deepens the discussion of feminism and business. The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum for open, intimate and inspiring discussions with workshop participants selected based on a highly competitive call for papers.

Time and place: , Domus Juridica, møterom 8113

Hvorfor velger ideelle organisasjoner å ta saker til retten, og hva er mulighetene for å lykkes? I Norge har organisasjoner flere ganger gått rettens vei for å fremme dyrevernsaker, for eksempel angående hundeavl. Vi presenterer faglige perspektiver på rettslig mobilisering, og erfaringer fra tidligere rettssaker.

Time and place: , Zoom

Welcome to a lunch seminar, where Carl Dalhammar from Lund University will provide an overview of European product law and how it can support the transition to a circular economy.

Open to all interested.

Time and place: , Domus Juridica 6113 + Zoom

This hybrid roundtable explores opportunities, challenges and pitfalls with respect to how AI will shape legal publishing. The event is open to everyone. 

Time and place: , Domus Juridica, 8th Floor, Room 8113

International institutions increasingly promote ‘ethical recruitment’ as a standard for health worker migration from poor to rich countries. How is this notion interpreted and practiced, and with what consequences? The Research Group on Global Challenges to Human Rights is pleased to invite you to this seminar with Dr Tine Hanrieder on the limits of the regime for ethical health worker migration.   

Time and place: , Lødrups kjeller/Zoom

Welcome to our afternoon seminar featuring Trude Myklebust, Postdoc at the Department of Public and International Law, University of Oslo. Join us for an insightful presentation focused on the Norwegian Nature Risk Commission’s report NOU 2024: 2.

Open for all interested.

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Domus Juridica

Given the many lessons learned from past efforts to pursue accountability and support truth and reconciliation mechanisms since the signing of the Rome Statute, which creative approaches should we pursue in order to attain a just peace in Ukraine?

Time and place: , Møterom 8113, Domus Juridica

Samfunnets måte å møte fornærmede og tiltalte i voldtektssaker er under diskusjon. Hva er egentlig straffenivået, hvilken straff mener befolkningen er rimelig, hva annet enn å straffe gjør samfunnet for å håndtere voldtekt? Dette er noen av de spørsmålene vi vil diskutere på seminaret.

Time and place: , Professorboligen

Professor Gudrun Brottveit blir pensjonist og fyller rundt år i mai 2024. Som forsker har hun vært opptatt av kriminologi, barnevernsarbeid og kriminalomsorg. Vi inviterer til seminar om Brottveits virke som forsker og underviser.

Time and place: , Møterom 8113, Domus Juridica

In this talk, Marieke de Hoon, rethinks the theoretical underpinnings and fundamental principles of criminal procedural law and the role of the domestic prosecutor of international crimes in extraterritorial atrocity prosecutions.

Time and place: , Zoom

Welcome to this digital lunch seminar featuring a presentation by Claudia Paduano, PhD Candidate in Company Law at The University of Edinburgh, on the topic of "The (Un)sustainability of UK Company Law: ClientEarth v Shell Plc".

Open to all interested.