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Upcoming events

Time and place: , Professorboligen, Karl Johansgt. 47

The Research Group Welfare, Rights, and Discrimination (VERDI) and the Department of Women's Rights, Children's Rights, Equality, and Discrimination Law (KVIBALD) invite you to the Tove Stang Dahl Memorial Lecture 2024. The seminar is organized in collaboration with the Department of Public and International Law and the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law.

Time and place: , Zoom

Seven speakers from six continents present critical accounts of criminology’s history and their global impact. Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, and Oceania have their (hi)stories told. The last speaker celebrates the Department’s contributions to the discipline with a focus on Scandinavia.

Time and place: , Lødrups kjeller, Department of Private Law, Karl Johans gate 47, Oslo / Zoom

The topic of this year’s Sustainability Law PhD Seminar is the regulatory influence of international laws and policies on European economic actors. The seminar is hybrid, welcoming participants in Oslo as well as through zoom.

Time and place: , 8113 Nils Christie's Corner, Domus Juridica

In this talk, Professor Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen outlines some core tenets for a more systematic research agenda on global mobility law, its possible theoretical foundations, and its necessary divestment from existing and dominant Global North perspectives. 

Time and place: , Frokostkjelleren, Karl Johans gate 47

I 1971 ble IKRS-rapporten «Hva er en dirk mot en aksje?» publisert. Tittelen peker mot at den økonomiske eliten stod for den mest alvorlige kriminaliteten. Oslo børs var deres viktigste verktøy. Den primitive dirken (kniven/dolken) ble derimot brukt av samfunnets evige stebarn, som endte i fengsel. Hvordan ser instituttet ut i dag, 50 år senere, og hva har skjedd på veien?


Illegale markeder har lenge vært et tema for forskere ved Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi. I dette panelet presenteres ulike empiriske prosjekter om illegale rusmiddelmarkeder i Norge.

Time and place: , Domus Juridica, Meeting room 8113

PhD candidate Lina Stotz at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law (IKRS) will present her doctoral project.

Time and place: , Rio de Janeiro State University

The international conference ‘Crime in Latin America’ brings together social science scholars who conduct empirical research on crime and criminal justice in Latin America.