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Completion grants for Doctoral research fellows at the Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law offers a completion grant of six months to Doctoral research fellows who submit their thesis no later than one month after their last day of employment. The purpose of the completion grant is to increase the breadth of the doctoral candidates' competence for a further academic career.

Half of the working time will be dedicated to teaching, grading and/or other academically meritorious tasks, while the other half can be used for individual research.

Guidelines for the completion grant


  1. All Doctoral research fellows employed at the faculty will be offered a completion grant of six months if they submit the doctoral thesis for evaluation no later than one month after the end of the originally set employment period.
  2. The deadline mentioned in point 1 is extended accordingly for extensions granted under the Regulations on Terms of Employment for Positions as Postdoctoral Fellows, Doctoral Research Fellows, Research Assistants, and Specialist Candidates § 2-3 (1), (2), or (6).
    The deadline mentioned in point 1 is also extended accordingly for unpaid leave for other work, but not for a total period exceeding 12 months. If the Doctoral research fellow has taken more than 12 months of unpaid leave for other work during the employment period, the deadline may be extended for the entire duration of the leave upon a special application.
  3. When applying for unpaid leave for other work, the Doctoral research fellows must ensure that it is clarified whether the leave will prevent them from receiving the completion grant.
  4. Except for legally and collectively agreed-upon leaves that provide grounds for extension as mentioned in the Regulations on Terms of Employment for Positions as Postdoctoral Fellows, Doctoral Research Fellows, Research Assistants, and Specialist Candidates § 2-3 (1) and (2), extended employment is generally not given in the completion grant.
  5. Those who want a completion grant and expect to qualify for it must notify their departments as soon as possible and no later than three months before the planned submission.
    The heads of departments must keep themselves informed of the progress of their Doctoral research fellows and include the recipients of completion grants in their plans.
    The departments shall notify the faculty administration of persons who are qualified for and who want completion grants as soon as the departments themselves have been notified.
  6. Recipients of the grant are generally required to conduct teaching and examination work equivalent to at least 50 % of the position, which amounts to a total of 425 hours.
  7. The following are examples of tasks that may be included in the program:
    • Teaching
    • Examination work and grading
    • Observing teaching by another lecturer
    • Project management courses
    • Leadership courses
    • Development of teaching plans and other relevant academic project work
    • Development and implementation of evaluation programs and other quality assurance work
    • Participation in the planning and implementation of academic seminars and conferences
    • Participation in the design of relevant research projects and/or applications for external funding
    • Development of postdoctoral or other research projects
    • Scientific work as an extension of the doctoral thesis, such as writing a scientific article
    • Popularizing one's own research or other outreach work

      It may be relevant to involve the Doctoral research fellows in academically relevant work in other units.
  8. The contents of the completion grant shall be meritorious and academically relevant and agreed upon in writing with the department head at the start of the position. The agreement shall be approved by the Vice dean of studies. At the end of the completion grant the head of department shall certify the competence-enhancing tasks the candidate has carried out.
  9. As a rule, recipients of the completion grant should start immediately after submitting their doctoral thesis.
  10. The faculty fully finances the completion grants.

The faculty introduced the guidelines for completion grants in 2005 and adjusted it in 2009, 2017, 2019, and 2024.

Published Mar. 12, 2024 11:08 AM - Last modified Mar. 12, 2024 11:10 AM